Aug 28, 2005 09:37
So I was actually taking a break from highlighting anthro notes (UGH) when all of a sudden I was thinking about girls who overpluck their eyebrows. It makes me quite sad, when I see girls who would have naturally fuller eyebrows with thin little fake looking lines. Not only can it make anyone look trashy, but I have these horribly blond thin eyebrows to begin with and so when I see girls doing that I think "You could have the best eyebrow shapes and yet they are all gone!" It makes me sad. Um. But not that sad.
So...yeah. Andrew comes home in....10 days! Well, 9 nights, 10 days. Needless to say I am quite excited, yesterday was horrifically boring as I just studied and cleaned all day and really could have used an Andrew evening. Ah well! Next weekend I am going to Bend (Fri-Sun, since Monday labor day traffic will be horrendous) and I am looking foward to distractions since I won't have any homework, and I know I will be so anxious for Tuesday to come.
mmmk. I think that's mostly it.
Today/rest of the week I will be studying studying studying and trying to get my anthro group to stop being hoes since we have a presentation on Wednesday we haven't started. GRRRRR. I guess three week classes are somewhat nice, they fly by!!! (No, really sasha? idiotic statement)
< Danielle we need to hang out soon! I miss you mucho. We should have a girls night soon? Perhaps next Sunday night if you don't work Monday morning? ...since I will be studying for finals this week :( > Okay thats my insert for Danielle