Oct 04, 2004 22:50
So today, i was natures worst nightmare. i was drivin over to brandons and on warrenville road there was sumthin off to the side, but still in my lane, i figure its a ba or sumthin and proceed furthur, and right before i get about 10 feet away i realize its a dead possum............GUSH!.................ew. it sucked. that thing got smashed so bad cause of me. then i continue to elm, and as i cross naperville i go about 2 blocks and ANOTHER FUCKIN POSSUM RUNS IN FRONT OF MY CAR...................GUSH!...................this one unfortunately, still warm and breathing............well........not now at least. theres still guts on my car. ew. haha. yeah, but im gunna put it all behind me cause TOMORROW I EVERY TIME I FUCKIN DIE BITCHES!!!!!! yeah! thats right. im gunna get a good nights rest suckas. nite ya'll