May 24, 2007 12:21
i have terrible habit. i find myself sitting in front of a computer quite often and quite often it is connected to the internet. i find myself searching for people (creepy). sometimes it's people i know, other times it's people that i should know (like, seriously, who is this "blake" asshole and why is he on the cover of the seattle p.i. on a tri-weekly basis?), occassionally it's people that i'd like to know (not too often, though... i've found that i never act on any people i actually find on the internet. something about it just seems too creepy), and sometimes it is just people for the sake of finding something to do.
today i found myself.
many people spend their whole lives trying to find themselves. i spent five minutes on google. oh, the wonders of technology.
in the process of finding myself i also rediscovered this site and read through old journal entries. not too much changes... i get happy and drink and party and dance... i get sad and i drink and stay inside and watch movies... i get thirsty and i drink and think about quitting smoking... i quit smoking and i start smoking again... all in all i write stuff down and make it look nice and, i actually enjoy reading through it from time to time.
i guess this really is a journal. i think i'm going to pick it up again.