Dec 02, 2004 15:50
my last two posts were part of a poem that i really enjoyed....i never got around to posting the rest of it, and sadly i do not have my book with the rest of it in it to post. one of these days i will post the rest, for my sake i guess. adrienne rich is a fuckin rad poet though, and if anyone is interested in poetry that deals mainly with feminism, other political views, and of course personal feelings should check some of her work out. it is really worth it.
school is really hard this semster, but the wonderful people in my life keep me encouraged and remind me i can get through it all. i am so thankful for having kind friends and family that keep me going.
lately i, the devout philosopher and school advocate, have been questioning my choices in life the past few years. i think mainly i have been wondering if my choice to study philosophy was the best. i am a strong believer in having no regrets, and i sure as hell do not regret studying all the things i have cus they have improved my mind and have brought me to this moment right now, but i have just been unsure if this is what i want. i just don't have the same passion for it, and if that is gone, what is left? after delibertating for weeks and weeks if i should graduate in the spring or stay and study another year, i decided i need to end my path of academics at the university. so probably spring, i will graduate and take a break from academic school. what will i do next? hell, no one knows. but i have this desire to sew and make art, much more than i have a desire to study and write papers. i haven't sewn in other a month, and i feel so blue...but i want to expand my knowledge of sewing and art, so after i graduate i am planning to take some classes to help that expansion. things always work out in the end if you move toward what you love.
oh, and i registered for classes next semester, and i am so excited. mainly becasue i am taking canoing. how fun is that?? i get to canoe two hours a week with my dear girl kara, and you know we gonna get stizzoned out on the river. it is going to be fuckin whimsical.
well, off to study some more. good luck to all you kids out there with whatever it is you are pursuing.