Oh happy day! Scrapbooking and movie maddness!!

Jun 15, 2006 00:21

Oh Man! Between working forty- to forty-six hours a week at Meijer (In the schtinkin awesome Garden Center, if y’all wanna visit me on Zeeb Road), and spending my free time sleeping, eating, showering, hanging out with lily and Geoff, as well as spending some time with my family, I really have not had lots of time to myself. Granted, I have used possible available times for family and friends, but right now everyone seems to feel like I am too busy to spend any time with them so I am doing my best to make them feel appreciated and whatnot. But still...i like being able to sit for hours at a time and read, to go outside and just think while lieing in the grass, to wander my woods, etc. I get lonely, I miss myself. When I work I am only physically busy, and for hours at a time, but my mind seems to go totally blank when I do anything that5 does not require concentration. As soon as I get off for break I find myself thinking, “What was I thinking about that whole time??” and often I don’t have an answer. ...sad.

Anyways, enough griping. I have been in an awesome mood lately, so don’t get the wrong idea.

Speaking of awesome, have you met my boyfriend? My friend lily? Yes? No? well, let me tell you, these are two people who I love and adore, and who are family to me. They make me so very happy, and I have done so much with them in the past year that my life would be incredibly different without them right now. There have been some tough events that I would not have come out on the up side of if they had not helped me through the downs of. They have both done so much for me, and both of them care about me and do things to surprise me and make me happy.

Take today for instance...
Lily and I had a nice plan set up for the day, as well as Geoff and I later in the afternoon. Lil and I were gonna get together from ten to five or so, then Lil was going to drive me to Briarwood mall. Mi amiga and I were planning on doing some shopping at a scrapbook store in Chelsea then to go back to her house and work on our senior/summer project that we are doing (it is a cool scrapbook idea that I came up with a few weeks ago, it is going to be soooo cool, so ask me about it sometime!!). Then we were going to play halo 2 on her nice shiny new x-box 360 *dances* and then Geoff and I were to meet at the mall and see “V for Vendetta” and “Ice Age 2”. So yeah, that was the plan. ...

Well, my two dearest friends rock so much that they felt like organizing a little surprise for me. Geoff didn’t meet me at the mall, oh no. He ended up appearing at Lily’s house at two o’clock. Poof! Out of nowhere. I am innocently sitting in lil’s library working on scrapbook stuff, and someone knocks at the door so lil goes to answer and I go through the living room to see who it is... Lo and behold, its Geoff!!! Yeah, I was UBER-happy, I can tell you. Man, I was laughing fit to burst (more like convulsive squeaky noises for like half a minute) cause I was just so overwhelmed with happiness. When I talked to him on the phone last night I think he almost told me that he was going to come over, but he didn’t reveal his secret, and I gave him five dollars today!! Yeah... anyways, I was so glad to be able to spend my day with the two friends who mean so very much to me and who have done such an incredible amount for me this year especially. It just made my week. Thank you both for such an awesome day!

V for Vendetta is an INCREDIBLE movie by the way. You should all see it if you haven’t yet. It is rated R, but I think that is just for some violent scenes that really aren’t all that bad. It was a British revolution in black and red, and with a bit of the good ole’ Zorro flare that I am so incredibly fond of. Oh man, is that V good with throwing knives, I was in love! It was just awesome and inspiring to see his amazingness. He had a cool cape and masks, and that armor and some really smart ideas, I was just so impressed!
Course, he’s got nothing on Geoff, so I am happy where I am.

Once again, thank you Lily for being such an awesome friend and making the offer to have Geoff play halo with us, and thank you again for doing the scrap booking stuff, that will be an incredible activity to help me pass the time over my trip, I am glad that we are working on these. I can’t wait to make some comments on your stuff, I already have some good ideas for what to write for you. I rowve you Lil!
Also, thank you Geoff for being so incredible and loving and good to me, you really are an incredible part of my life, so don’t forget it, you hear me? Thank you for giving the suggestion that we see V, that is one of the best movies we have seen together (I still loved King Kong tho) and I had an amazing time. Sorry you were cold, but you kept me nice and warm and I had a nice time with you, so thanks for making that special for me.

Thank you to both of you for the awesomeness that ensued today, and I am speaking in terms of the great halo duel, the hose/water balloon/random buckets water fight that we had, the scrap booking AND the movies. You two are the best friends I could hope to ask for. THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES!! *gives hugs all around*

I am now headed off to Pennsylvania for fathers day ( will be here tomorrow [technically today] to work from one thirty to ten at night, then we leave on Friday) and I will have plenty to think about and do, and plenty of time to do it in, so I may not get back to you guys for a while, but I will do what I can to keep in touch with those two special someones above mentioned, of course. I may have little time to spare for lj for a while tho. So...good luck to the rest of you, and I hope that everyone finds some time to update now and again, I will be here reading what you say, even if I have little or no time to post replies. I still care about you guys!
And now, the dreaded signature
HAGS all!! (for those of you who don’t know, it means HAVE A GREAT SUMMER you crazy kids!!) Go ahead and rock life for a while, its your turn to make things count!

Btw, I have a call phone, let me know if you want the number, kays?

See you later chaps!
Hunter of the Savage Garden
Lover of safety pins and scrapbook buddies
Future purchaser of laptops
Dreamer of weird dreams
Cashier and go-to-girl of Meijer garden center
And lover of all things great and small, wise and wonderful, etc.



and it is a savage garden, life is beautiful

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