July 31st - Gay Pride!

Aug 02, 2010 13:59

AHHHH!! It finally came. Gay Pride in my city! <3 I must admit, it was soooo freakin' amazing. I was loving it man! Okay so my day started off with me getting up at 8am (sooo early). I got a shower, washed my hair, got dressed etc etc. then my friend called at my house when I was in mid-straightening my hair. He sat on the bed, chatted with me while I finished up and then we both ran out of the house, walked to the bus stop and I was texting my other friend who was going to meet up with us down town. :D My mum and brother already left for Gay Pride like, an hour before me. xD My mum is all for those parades.. she loves them so much. Anyways, there were absolutely NO buses at all coming down the road so me and my friend just walked halfway, then we saw a bus and ran like crazy people after it, shouting for it to stop and squealing so loooud! We eventually caught it so all was well. :) We arrived outside a shop we were meeting my other friend but then her bus got stuck in traffic T_T and so we had to wait a while. SHE FINALLY CAME!! (YAY!) so then we all headed to the area where the parade was leaving and the concert was going to be (they always have a big concert) held. I bought a giant rainbow flag (<3) and a Pride shirt. It's purple(!). I love purple ^_^. Then we saw the parade coming down and thought it was sooo cool. Everybody was holding, "Love is a Human Right" signs and it was awesome. As it was going past, we decided to jump in and join in! It was amazing! I was holding my flag up high and screaming and having a good laugh! It was amazing. The thing I love about my city is, soooo many people turned out and were going crazy. There was also the odd Christian group that was lined up but our shouts and screams drowned them out!!!!!! xD It was hilarious. I'm not saying I hate Christianity, (being a Catholic myself) but it was very, very funny. It marched all around the town and then it went back to the concert area where everybody was getting drinks and listening to bands performing. There were so many people and.. gahhh it was undescribable. I've never been so exhausted in my life!



gay pride 2010 awesome

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