Feb 09, 2003 06:31
I know that I haven't updated in a couple days, but life has been very busy. I had drill for the military Friday through today. So I don't have much time to update right now. The only thing that I have to say that involves the military is that they are calling people up left and right and they don't care where they send you or how much time you have. When they call you, you had better be ready to leave or find a way to get there quick.
Other then that on Friday afternoon my Grandfather got admitted to the hospital for his leg. I don't know exactly how the story goes, but I guess for a year or two (they aren't sure for how long exactly) he has had these sores on his leg, that he just kept picking at like a little kid does to one so that it goes away faster. Well, I guess they just kept getting bigger and bigger. These sores are quite deep and are very infected and smell horrible. No, one knew about them because he is too stubborn to ever see a doctor. They think the reason that these sores never healed are because well one he was picking them near constantly and two he also has fluid around his heart and lungs. His heart isn't working properly to get new blood down to his leg anymore. The sores turned about not to be gangrenous, but he still has to see a bone specialist to see if he has to get his leg removed. I also heard from my family that he broke down and cried I don't mean tears; I mean bawled. In all of my life I have only seen him cry once and only heard of him crying once. He believe that crying is for the week and children and he wasn't either or. He also had a chaplain brought in to speak to him about what's going on and pray with his. I guess he asked the chaplain why the lord was going to put him through all of this torture, why didn't he do it while he was in the war. Why did it have to be now where he had to be so week? He also said that he didn't want to be tortured he wanted to die quickly. ::sighs:: He 77 years old right...he lived a good life. Why should I be so sad at the thought of loosing him? He's suffering...why should I be so selfish as to think to let him suffer more. ::sighs:: I just hope for one thing now...that's when he finally does pass on that it's quick and painless and in the comfort of his own home. God I love him so much...