[Fanart] Based on... (2)

Sep 21, 2006 09:25

Believe it or not, there are times that I even can draw a planche from one album (mainly with the pruposs of essaying the character expresions...) One particular scene from "Les Crocs de L'hiver" got me inspired for a nice planche that I'm presenting to you...

Comme le texte est en français, je vais le traduire pour ceux qui ont curiosité, mais n'ont aucune idée de français ^^U

Éste es el texto íntegro traducido al español:

Fantasio: [Al parecer, Luna Cortizone en persona ha lanzado ese tráfico.// Ésa es la razón por la que él está aquí, con el fin de garantizar su seguridad, por orden de Vito.]

Luna: ¿Aquí? No tengo nada que temer, Spirou. Nadie me busca aquí. //No he tenido ocasión de decírtelo pero... te he echado mucho de menos.//Tú confiastes en mí una vez. Esta vez te pido que me confíes lo que tú sientes...

Fantasio: [¿Spirou?]
Spirou: Fantasio, sé sincero conmigo.//¿Te has encontrado con la policía?

Fantasio: ¿La policía?
Spirou: [... olvídalo. //Sobretodo no te muevas, voy a reunirme conti...]
*sonido de disparo, cristal rompiéndose, gritos de pánico*

The same translation, in english

Fantasio: [It seems that Luna Cortizone in person is behind that traffic.// That's the reason why he is here, to ensure her security, on Vito's orders.]

Luna: Here? I have no reason to be afraid, Spirou. I'm not searched here. //Didn't have the chance to tell you, but... I've missed you very much.//You trusted me once... This time I beg you to entrust me what you feel...

Fantasio: [Spirou?]
Spirou: Fantasio, be frank with me.//Did you came accors the police?

Fantasio: The police?
Spirou: [... forget it. //Don't move from there, I'm going to gather yo...]
*sound of shot, glass breaking, shouts of panic*

I was also going to publish here my version of one page from "Luna Fatale" and some sketches of Zorglub... but my scanner died this morning ^^U (<-- ok, an object does not die, I mean it doesn't work at all...) So until I check if it's a temporal failure or not, this is all I will show you today ^^U

As always, comments are welcome ^_^

fantasio, spirou

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