K/S fic nutrek "Injuries Are Not Forever"

Jan 08, 2013 20:25

Title: Injuries Are Not Forever:
Author: SpirkTrekker42
Rating: PG-13
Universe: ST:XI
Summary: Spock is injured in a suicide bomber attack. Kirk finds him using their bond but one of Spock's hands is severely injured. How can the Vulcan continue to work as First Officer and Science Officer without the use of both hands? Bones shall assist in the Vulcan's recovery as well as Kirk's TLC. K/S, established relationship.

Disclaimer: Star Trek does not belong to me. It belongs to Gene Roddenberry and NuTrek belongs to JJ Abrams and Paramount.

A/N: Sorry this took forever to post! Like at least two years late…


Injuries Are Not Forever


Chapter 1: Danger Is Brewing

Amidst the cries for help and the collapse of structures stood Captain James T. Kirk, frantically searching for his First Officer, and more importantly, his mate. Honing in on the signal from their bond, he eventually located the Vulcan inside a pile of heavy debris. From their link, Jim knew that Spock still lived, but that was all. He called to him with his mind.

/Spock, can you hear me?/ No response. Jim tried shouting instead, in hopes that his voice would register on those sensitive Vulcan ears.

"Spock…Spock, please, you gotta wake up! I need to know that you're okay!" The Vulcan stirred, groaning softly. Hearing that edge of panic in his captain's voice, Spock made every effort to open his eyes. It took him a few tries, but the Vulcan managed.

"J-Jim?" Spock's vision cleared to reveal a welcome sight, his bondmate's worried face.

"Oh thank God." Jim threw his arms around him and cried softly. Then he straightened up. "Are you hurt? I don't know where Bones is at the moment, but I can call him and-"

"I am not severely injured," Spock informed him. "I am, however, rather stuck."

"We'll get you out, Spock," Jim promised. "Whatever it takes." Spock nodded, confirming what they both already knew.

"What happened?" The Vulcan asked, looking around at the rubble and building lying in ruins. The once peaceful city lay in total devastation.

"You don't remember?"

"Negative. I recall us beaming to the surface of Zeta III, and soon after I noticed the angry mobs, I was knocked out by a blow to the head from behind."

"It was a suicide bomber." Jim and Spock shared a terse look. "The Enterprise had finally arrived to bring aid to a world ravaged by earthquakes and other natural disasters, but someone clearly didn't want our presence there."

"Those opposed to the presence of the Federation are not uncommon," Spock reminded him.

"Yeah, but not here," Jim growled. "You think the people would be grateful for our help, but noooooo." Spock raised an eyebrow.

"Jim, that is not an accurate statement. I would hypothesize that at least 98.5% of the citizens of Zeta III are in fact quite grateful for-"

"I know, I know," Jim interrupted, a ghost of a grin appearing on his features. "It's good to know you haven't changed in spite of all this."

/I'm so glad you didn't leave me, Spock./

/As am I, t'hy'la. As am I./

The captain held out his two forefingers in a Vulcan kiss, and Spock raised his hand to meet him only to find that his right hand was almost completely charred.

"I was unaware that the damage was this extensive."

"Oh no," Jim whispered. They both knew what this injury could mean for Spock's career as a scientist…


End chapter 1

A/N: This is an old "help Haiti" fic that never got posted. I suppose it should be called the "help Sandy" fic now… powerful hurricanes are powerful and all that jazz. Reviews are great, as are suggestions.

k/s, h/c, k/s slash, established relationship, k/s cliches, spock, k/s love, kirk

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