Star Trek Vegas Convention - 1

Aug 07, 2009 16:29

Hey everyone! So I'm sitting in my hotel room during a break between all the action.  It's my first convention and I"m having a BLAST!  This morning my sister and I went to where they were selling merchandise and we took pictures with the Kirk and Spock standups.  BOTH versions of K & S.  Yes, we're dorks.  :)   Tonight  I'm meeting up with Blackbird_Song and her guy for dinner to discuss all things KS and writing.  Then I'm hanging out w/my VIP Trekkie cousin (who has backstage access to ZQ on Sunday btw!)  and her crowd.  (I have her to thank for getting me into Star Trek.)  And THEN I'm going to see a special screening of ST XI at the movies with only trekkies in the audience.  I. Cannot. WAIT!   That will make 5 times...

But that wasn't really what I wanted to talk about.  What I DID want to talk about was the XI movie panel I heard this morning.  The dude who runs was there and he led the talk with an ubertrekkie named Larry.  At the beginning they discussed how the movie has been such a financial success and that it brought back trek in a way that it is open to the masses.  They asked for a show of hands of people who liked the movie and almost everyone in this HUGE ass auditorium raised their hand.  Also, they took comments from the audience (no I didn't comment) and most people were saying how grateful they were for the reboot because it keeps the message of Star Trek alive, and that it introduces a new generation of people to the fandom.

During this panel, Trekmovie Dude mentioned how he thought it was brilliant that they used the "alternate universe" plot device, because it doesn't completely alienate TOS and the other series.  Explaining this further, he said, "Kirk and Spock have the same souls."  That is a direct quote.  Of course he meant that K&S have the same souls in XI that they did in TOS, but taken out of context... *squee*  My sister and I just looked at each other in shock.  It was great.  Even the tiniest unintentional slashy nod is fabulous.

So we were getting to the end of the panel, and one of the female trekkies says how she's a principal and how she's working Trek and space exploration into her summer program and how successful that was.  I was thrilled to hear that, because I'd like to do something similar when I eventually have creative freedom as a teacher.  BUT.  Then she mentioned that she writes Spock/Uhura fanfic, to which I'm like ok fine whatever.  So Trekmovie guy says, "oh is that slash?"  (I think he was referring to the / between the two characters, not actual m/m or f/f).  To which Larry groans and says "you are such a noob.  Slash is K/S."   I just about lost it then.  Of course most of the people in the audience didn't have a clue what the hell they were talking about but STILL.  I'm also pretty sure that Larry went on to say that Kirk and Spock were the ones who started the slash phenomenon (paraphrasing here.)   So yeah. :)  Slash was mentioned and my sister and could barely contain ourselves.

That's your update from the Vegas con, and if anything else interesting happens I may be able to report tomorrow but you might have to wait a few days because the internet is HELLA EXPENSIVE at my hotel.

-Spirk out

P.S.  Happy Birthday David Duchovny!!  He's still looking fine at 49. *sigh*  That's for you, Spooky. ;)

P.S.  Here's some ZQ because he's appearing on Sunday!  (And because he's a GQMF.)

star trek convention

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