сериал о гибридах людей и машин

Jan 16, 2016 08:20

здесь много рассуждений на тему человеческой природы.
и сюжет детективный. трейлер на 30 сек. далее ещё один тоже на 30 сек.

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Жатва, душа, zetatalk.com

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spirius January 23 2016, 18:10:33 UTC
да, спасибо.
в тот же день я у "зеленого кота"
свои мысли изложил - вторым комментарием, пошла дискуссия).

сегодня зеты это вот как откомментировали:

Why is this article simultaneously exploding on major media? It is not describing Nibiru, aka Planet X. It is describing the Sun’s binary twin, which we have described as being 18.74 Sun-Pluto distances away from the Earth’s Sun. Note this object, termed Planet 9, is described as being “20 times farther away from the sun than Pluto”. Precisely. Zetas right again! We have described this binary twin since the start of the ZetaTalk saga, and the perturbations caused by this binary twin of the Sun have been known to ancient astronomers.

There is great confusion between the Sun’s binary twin and Nibiru, a planet that orbits both foci. Nibiru comes from the direction of the binary twin, and returns in that direction. In the early 1980’s, what is now being termed Planet 9 was being termed Nemesis, and is the reason that NASA/JPL went looking for the source of this perturbation in 1983 with an infrared balloon sent above the atmosphere. They found an object out in the direction of Orion. Nibiru, at that time, was approaching for its next passage around the Sun. A front page article in the Washington Post, published December 31, 1983 documented this search.

What is the reason for the media blitz at this time? Astronomers are clearly aware of the Sun’s binary twin, and the existence of Nibiru, and have for decades been severely repressed from speaking about these issues. Many deaths have resulted to keep this secret, on the excuse that the public would panic if they knew. Now that Nibiru is so visible that the public is regularly seeing a Second Sun and the brilliant Moon Swirls, as well as the body of Nibiru itself with its double helix of its two most dominant Moon Swirls, the announcement is viewed as inevitable. We have described the planned announcement as a multi-pronged event that cannot be sabotaged. This is one of the prongs.


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