НАСА и европейцы наконец-то готовят публику к новости об инопланетянах, -

Aug 04, 2015 16:54

таков заголовок и далее сама статья, которая в оригинале содержит до десятка активных ссылок. зеты уже больше года говорят, что про инопланетян и Нибиру Обама вот-вот расскажет всему миру. и очень многие события трактуют в этом свете: так постепенно готовится публика. поэтому посчитал полезным показать эту тенденцию из другого источника.

First NASA chief scientist, Ellen Stofan openly admitted that alien life is ‘imminent’ and just last Tuesday, Dr. John Grunsfeld of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate announced that the agency was ‘on the verge’ of discovering life on planets other than earth.

Stofan and Grunsfeld hide the fact that NASA has been lying to the public about known extraterrestrial life for decades now, and that ETs have likely have been visiting earth for centuries.

Grunsfeld told a House Committee:

“Are we alone? Many, many people on planet Earth want to know…. We are on the cusp of being able to answer that question.”

And Stofan’s recent comments were even more bold:

“I think we’re going to have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade . . .I think we’re going to have definitive evidence within 20-30 years. We’re on the verge of things that people have wondered about for millennia. Within all of our lifetimes we’re going to understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We’re going to understand the implications of that for life here on Earth.”

Her declaration is synchronized with the agency’s recent discovery of water of five of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s moons. We were also told by NASA recently, that their Kepler mission found another ‘earth’ in the ‘habitable zone’ in our Universe circulating around a star that resembles our sun. NASA defines ‘habitable’ based on the ability of a planet to pool water ostensibly to support life as we know it.

And then there’s the Guardian article titled “Is Kepler 425b humanity’s best chance to find alien life?” that discusses how earth’s twin - an exoplanet more similar to our own than has ever before been known is a likely case for alien life - never mind the 12 other hospitable planets that the Seti Institute is researching, and the fact that we’ve assumed all life would require the same things as ourselves, without considering that other sentient beings might not even have physical form.

Russia has even threatened the US, essentially saying, “tell the world about aliens or we will.”

But there is more to the story - as usual - than NASA and the European Space Agency, or even Seti are revealing.

Beginning in early March 2015, there was an alleged meeting on the moon involving up to 70 private individuals along with about 120 officials representing different secret space programs and national governments who heard plans about disclosing the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Dr. Michael Salla and David Wilcock have been giving ‘air time’ or you could say ‘Internet real estate’ to a whistleblower named Corey Goode. He is also known as GoodETxSG. He has his own Facebook page titled after the Sphere Being Alliance, a life-form(s) he has been working with to help disclose the massive extent of our corporate military industrial complex into space.

Whether you believe his wild testimony of secret space programs and bases on the moon or not, the very fact that thousands of people are signing up to see him be interviewed by Wilcock on Gaiam TV is a testament to just how ready people are to be told the truth about extra terrestrial life.

When you pontificate the facts, GoodETxSG is showing up precisely when the largest space-related military industrial complex arm is admitting openly that alien life exists after decades of cover-ups and numerous possible murders, or the defaming of military personal, astronauts, and scientists who have been trying to tell us the same thing for some time now.

While it may be difficult to swallow the facts as Goode tells us - particularly that dozens of extra terrestrials have been manipulating our genetic code, and that the military industrial complex is even more bloated in space as it is here on earth - his testimony is at least worth hearing, and then deciding upon for yourself.

You can catch up rather quickly on what Goode has already ‘disclosed’ via Divine Cosmos, David Wilcock’s website, or you can go directly to Gaiam to watch his interviews. Coupled with NASA’s recent statements, and Russia’s threats, it seems something is brewing - perhaps the pressure is truly immense enough finally, that these agencies will now have to tell the truth. (с) http://themindunleashed.org/2015/08/nasa-and-the-european-space-agency-finally-prep-public-for-alien-disclosure.html

2012, zetatalk.com

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