Pope Francis with great ease and amazement among the faithful present reveals: “Dear brothers, I wanted to tell all of you that we are not alone in the universe. Science has already made so much progress and will most likely soon will know our new brothers and sisters with whom we will exchange a sign of peace. On that day there will be wonder and remember that God is one and watching over us all.” 14.04.2014
Clearly Pope Francis wants his flock to be comfortable with the idea of extra-terrestrial intelligent life, that such creatures have souls and should not be cause for alarm. The prior Pope Benedict was of the opposite opinion, and buried such discussion in committee within the Vatican. Thus it should be no surprise that a Vatican booklet published in 2005 on the matter would be withdrawn quickly by Benedict but republished in 2014 under Francis. Public opinion polls showed that the populace was not waiting to be led to these conclusions by the church. Instead, the church was being left behind.
World leaders have been pressing for disclosure for over a decade,
in part because UFO sightings, glimpses and photos of alien bodies, and evidence of past and present life on Mars were pushing the discourse. But in part because leaders like Putin (who has his own alien advisor) and Obama (who is a Star Child) know that the populace of the world will be so much better off with open admission on the alien presence. Assistance from the alien presence would no longer need to be modulated by the Element of Doubt, potentially, thus allowing aliens to openly assist mankind if the Rule of Non-Interference allowed.
The Element of Doubt rule is in place primarily to prevent mass slaughter of contactees during the Awakening period. The establishment - the powerful and wealthy and religious leaders - wanted mankind to continue to fear them, to respect the power they had over their lives and their afterlives, and feared that awareness of the alien presence would diminish that. Therefore, the public was encouraged to either think that aliens did not exist or to fear contact with them. This conundrum meant that obvious assistance from aliens had to be denied or camouflaged.
This situation is gradually changing, as the number of contactees worldwide has surpassed the 50% point, with over half the population giving the Call and receiving contact. This increasing awareness and lack of anxiety is allowing the Element of Doubt rule to ease back, so that the rules of how aliens can interact with mankind is covered by the Rule of Non-interference with mankind’s right to make and express his orientation decision and other pertinent edicts the Council of Worlds may issue. For instance, the 7 of 10 pace was slowed to allow Obama time to effect the announcement re Nibiru, and the Council of Worlds went to war with the cover-up crowd.
Did Putin meet with a live alien as claimed? Absolutely,
and it wasn’t a Zeta either. It wasn’t even a hominoid. He’s had many conversations with this entity.
Человек живет не со страхом перед НЛО или перед столкновением с ними, а скорее с любопытством. Страх у народа создала кампания,
организованная в средствах массовой информации, в сериалах и в кинофильмах MJ12 и разработанная для истеблишмента покладистыми представителями Голливуда, в которой были представлены пугающие истории. В фильме Мела Гибсона «Знаки», в таких фильмах, как «Падающие Небеса», «День Независимости», «Война Миров» - во всех публике говорят, что придут инопланетяне и попытаются их отравить, поработить или уничтожить. Все это неправда, и истеблишмент это знает, но тем не менее поддерживает распространение дезинформации. Если бы инопланетян, находившихся на борту потерпевших крушение кораблей в Розуэлле, показали бы публике, то никакой паники бы не последовало, хотя некоторые религиозные лидеры могли бы в своих прокламациях обосновать обратное.
То же самое было бы и с открытием, что Планета X, больше известная как Нибиру, движется в направлении Солнца. Если бы публике объявили об этом в 1983 году, - в то время, когда Планету Х заметили запущенные вверх инфракрасные камеры и когда была уверенность в наблюдении, то в результате не было бы ни безудержных спекуляций и конкурирующих теорий, ни массовой паники или самоубийств. К нынешней ситуации привело решение тех представителей истеблишмента, которые хотели скрыть от народа правду, хотя сдвиг полюсов - выдающееся событие, а народ о нем не знает. Элемент Сомнения используется прежде всего для того, чтобы предотвратить панику у истеблишмента, который может нанести вред народу в своих отчаянных попытках цепляться за свой статус.
Can the zetas comment on what was discussed behind closed doors at G7 summit today and what is on the agenda for the Bilberberg meeting? What has changed since Bilderberg 2014?
In 2014 the elite were agonizing over their inability to stop the announcement admitting Nibiru, and now the Council’s war on the media is succeeding. Now the obvious visibility of Nibiru, seen increasingly by the common man, will prevent them from claiming this is a lie. Their plans to counter the announcement with disinformation seem to be melting away. Still confident that they have control of assets that can be used to leverage their safety and continued high perch, they are focused on bolstering their defenses and making alliances. Such discussions include who to cut lose and abandon, and as this group is solidly Service-to-Self in the main, back stabbing and hypocrisy are in abundance.
It is clear that the banking system is increasingly shaky, and with Russia and their partners in BRICS rivaling the west’s IMF their ability to strangle the world via debt is also disappearing. Retracting into smaller groups, less territory, and retrenching with different and hopefully more solid partners is the trend. Frank discussions during the day migrate to heavy drinking at night - on whether one should continue with bankrupt entities or cut them lose, on whether one should begin to barter food for labor and bypass the monetary system or simply tighten the controls in the bank. And with increased electromagnetic pulse affecting planes and trains and the ferocity of storms increasing, will such steps be enough?
One can hardly separate the G7 from the Bilderberg meetings, as they are going on simultaneously and only 16 miles apart. It is not only the Middle East that is exploding. These are Sunni and Shia battles, which all can see will not abate as the religious aspects dominate. The G7 see their homelands exploding also - with rioting and immigration threats. Just as the elite at the Bilderberg meeting are retrenching, the countries at the G7 are shrinking their virtual borders, more concerned about protecting their core homeland than control of regions at a distance. Energy independence is mentioned often, home grown food and control of rioting and secure borders - these are the focus.