зеты про убийство Немцова: украинский след

Mar 07, 2015 19:31

здесь одно из двух: или зеты врут - они иногда так делают,
или Кремль и вся Россия имеет центр управления в Америке, потому что
иначе невозможно провернуть такое убийство перед согласованным митингом
без того, чтобы 1) были отключены много камер и 2) вынудить молчать
и бездействовать группу должных следить на этим людей.

What does it say when the assassination of Nemtsov occurs the day after Putin threatens to cut off gas to the Ukraine, “within days”. This hit the news, printed in the Telegraph on February 26, and the next day, February 27, Nemtsov was shot in the back. He clearly did not expect this as he was strolling past the Kremlin, in a very public place on the open street, with his girl friend, after a meal in a very public and popular restaurant on the Red Square. This was of course a setup, arranged so that a casual read of the shooting would link the assassination with the Kremlin, and thus the public would hopefully blame Putin.

Putin of course was not involved. Why would he stoop to this, when he was winning on all fronts in the Ukraine? The latest attempt by Kiev to shell eastern Ukraine and claim the rebels were at fault had failed to bring the US or Europe to their aid. Their attempts to grab the Russian oil and gas fields lying just over the border had repeatedly failed, and now they were once again left only with the gas bill. Those who would shoot down MH 17 in an attempt to induce others to fight their war for them would of course not hesitate to shoot a man in the back. This too will fail as it is intuitively obvious that Putin is winning and would have no reason to pull such a stunt. But the thugs in Kiev clearly would do so.


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