зеты о падении российской ракеты.

Jul 01, 2013 08:02

говорят, что это их рук дело - таким образом послание отправили российским военным, которые вынашивают планы бомбить мигрирующие масс людей во время последних недель перед сдвигом полюсов.

This is not the first time that Russian satellites have been disabled upon launch, an obvious warning to the Russian establishment to cease and desist. Their stated intentions do not reflect their real intentions, which are to spy on drowning migrants heading toward Russian territory in the future. The Russians are not clumsy, but in fact technological wizards, having launched Sputnik ahead of the US in the race to space. They currently supply the ISS with their shuttles. Why would such a dramatic failure occur, when merely launching communication satellites? It was a message! During the severe flooding that will occur during the Last Weeks and Pole Shift, bombing those desperate to escape is a misuse of authority. источник.


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