Title: A Place With No Darkness
Author: Spirithorse (
eachainn )
Rating: M
Pairing: Suzalulu
Warnings: Character deaths, violence, death
Summary: AU. In one move Lelouch saved his sister and damned himself. Now he has to compete in the Hunger Games and figure out some way that both he and Suzaku. Suzalulu.
Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass or The Hunger Games.
Author’s Note: This fic came out of one of my friends reading the Hunger Games and all the prompts that sprung up on the kinkmeme. That being said, I have not read any of the fills for the prompts and will not until the story is finished.
Chapter Four
Lelouch flinched away from the stylist wielding the comb, stepping off the block that he was standing on. He caught the man's arm as the stylist attempted to get at his hair again. Lelouch turned to shout at the man, beaten to it by Lloyd as the chief stylist walked into the room. "That's enough. They'll stand out more if you don't try to primp them up like the other tributes. That's the entire point."
The man sulked and step away, Lloyd rushing off to stop the other assistants from messing up Suzaku Lelouch watched their stylist go and shook his head. They would definitely stand out as they were. While the other tributes were in elaborate costumes, suits or dresses, he and Suzaku were in almost casual clothes. At least this time they matched, both of them were wearing white pants and a white jacket, the only difference of color were the shirts, Lelouch with a pink shirt and Suzaku with a black one.
He sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, glancing over to the door. The interview would start soon, at least the portion that featured them. The tributes from the other Areas were still on stage, getting more airtime. That just meant that he and Suzaku would have to make an impression.
Lelouch stepped away from the door, walking over to where Lloyd was arguing with the other stylists over Suzaku. He glanced up at his friend, and rolled his eyes. "For someone that does this as a punishment, he's really into this."
"It's not a new thing, or that's what I learned from Cecile. Apparently he's lucky enough to be considered amusing instead of offensive, which is what has saved his life. But the extra money that he earns from the people who like his designs goes into funding for his research facility."
"People like his designs?"
"It's the Hunger Games. People like the stuff that they get out of it." Lelouch snorted, not surprised that Suzaku looked amused by his disgust. Suzaku just shrugged. "They're strangely popular, although no one likes to watch us die."
"Except for Pendragon."
"You keep confusing the royals with the rest of the people. Stop it, not everyone wants you dead Lelouch."
He just glanced at Suzaku through the gentle scolding, waiting for his friend to finish before scoffing and turning away. "At the moment I can think of twenty-two people who want me dead. No, not everyone in Pendragon wants me dead, but the important ones do, and that's what matters."
Lelouch was sure that Suzaku was giving him a disgusted look, but he didn't get the chance because Cecile bustled in. She completely ignored where Lloyd was flailing on one side of the room, walking over to Lelouch and Suzaku with a smile. "Ready to go?"
"Yep." Suzaku slung an arm over Lelouch's shoulder, giving it a squeeze when Lelouch opened his mouth. Lelouch huffed and let Suzaku guide him toward the door. Suzaku gave his shoulder another squeeze. "Remember to smile and use all that charm you learned in the palace."
"Learned?" Lelouch laughed, ducking out from under Suzaku's arm. "And what will you do?"
"Smile and look friendly. You're the intelligent one here, I'm just the muscles. And don't argue."
"Pendragon is a bad influence on you. You've become astute."
"Nah, that's just from hanging out around you so much. And maybe it will do me some good."
Lelouch sighed and shook his head. There had been some element of a joke in his statement, but there was same truth. As it was now, Pendragon was a bad influence on Suzaku. Instead of standing up for himself, as Lelouch had seen Suzaku do many times back in Area 11, Suzaku was conforming to the ideas that the citizens of Pendragon had. It was a good overall strategy, but not the one they needed. Lelouch was aware that their best chances of survival rested with playing to the crowd, but he couldn't let himself. He was too proud for that, too aware that the emperor was watching. Lelouch didn't want to be seen begging for the help of the populace, he wanted to be able to do this on his own, to prove that he was better than the tarnished reputation his name carried.
He tensed as the door swung open, Lelouch watching Cecile speak to one of the people who worked backstage. The conversation didn't last long and they were waved through almost instantly. The man gave them both a thumbs up as they passed, Suzaku the only one to return the smile. Lelouch was too focused on the set of couches that were set in a semicircle, most of them already filled with tributes. There were two couches left, one for him and Suzaku and the last one for the tributes from Area 12. In the clear space left in front of the couches were two chairs, one taken up by Milly Ashford.
The blonde was just finishing up an interview with the last tribute from Area 10, a dark haired girl who was all smiles, although Lelouch wasn't sure if that was the girl's personality or just nervousness. The girl didn't seem to be too affected in any case, leaning forward to shake hands will Milly Ashford before carefully walking back to the couch where her fellow tribute waited.
"The lovely Mariel Lubie, everyone." There was a round of polite clapping from the audience, although Lelouch couldn't exactly see the audience with the bright lights from the stage. He jumped as he was nudged forward by Cecile, quickly regaining his composure as he stepped over the wires that ran backstage and out toward the main stage.
He blinked as he stepped into the light, focusing on Milly to keep from looking too dazed. As it was, it took him a moment to adjust; Lelouch depending on Suzaku's steadying presence by his side and the sound of Milly's voice in his momentary blindness.
"Ah, my two favorites!" Lelouch only got a second to prepare himself before Milly was hugging him and Suzaku, one arm around the both of them. He tried not to show his surprise or protest when Milly slipped between the two of them, situating herself in the middle as she guided them out onto the stage. "Don't they look dashing, folks? If I could, I'd get a couple of these for my own apartment, including the clothes. Lloyd's done a good job this year. I'd get this outfit myself. Will it be available for your fans, Lloyd?"
The last question was directed backstage. Lelouch assumed that it would be passed back to Lloyd and that Milly wasn't expecting an answer. By the way she guided the two of them toward the center of the ring of couches; Lelouch suspected that Milly knew she wouldn't get an answer.
Lelouch relaxed when Milly dropped her arm from his shoulder, the blonde settling back in her seat. "I think I'd like to talk to Lelouch first, if you don't mind Suzaku."
"Not at all." Suzaku bowed and stepped back toward the couches, Lelouch glancing over at Luciano. The tribute from Area 2 looked murderous, but that was to be expected since Suzaku had matched him in the scores. It wouldn't help their cause in any case; it would just fuel the rivalry that people saw between Luciano and Suzaku.
He sighed and sunk down into his seat, surprised when Milly leaned forward, the blonde almost looking sympathetic. "I want to talk to you about your sister, if you don't mind. Everyone wants to know about the two of you and Area 11 hasn't been forthcoming. Prince Clovis even went so far as to ban camera crews from going to your house and speaking to your family."
"My mother prefers her privacy." The lie rolled off his tongue easily. "And Nunnally is really a shy girl. I don't think she would consider speaking in front of a camera."
"Ah, still saving your sister." Milly smiled. "That's so sweet. But, since she won't talk to us, tell us a little about your life in Area 11."
"Well, I was mostly just the errand boy. Mother was usually out doing odd jobs for money and Nunnally small cures that I would go sell. Honestly, there wasn't anything interesting about my life."
"Not true. You obviously loved your sister enough to volunteer for her."
"I wasn't sure if they would take her or not."
"I'm sure that Prince Clovis would have figured out something, but you moved faster. Now that's brotherly devotion." Lelouch sat through the clapping with a smile. He would let Milly come up with any explanation that she wanted, they would be better than anything he would come up with. Right now was not the time to expose the problems of the royal family. He looked back at Milly as the clapping slowed, not surprised to find that Milly had scooted closer. "Well if life was so boring then tell me a bit about yourself?"
"That's not too much either." Lelouch tried to sound sheepish, glancing around and trying to gauge the reactions of the other tributes. "I don't really have any hobbies, there wasn't much time for them. Mother was busy as was Nunnally, so I ran errands and kept house." Lelouch managed a laugh. "I'm honestly not that important."
"Oh, I doubt that. You've managed to catch the attention of so many people and that's not just because of you saving your sister. Even with the low score you received, your popularity hasn't waned." Milly turned and gestured at the small television that was sitting on the ground, Lelouch barely glancing at it. He didn't need to look at it long to see that he was on the top.
He shrugged and smiled. "I guess I'm charismatic."
"It's more than that."
Lelouch struggled to keep his smile on his face. He wasn't quite sure what Milly was trying to say, especially since she had the same overly enthusiastic smile on her face. But he was sure that there was some motive behind her questioning, all of the questions were leading in the same direction. Of course, that was a part of her job, but he thought that she would have held onto the Nunnally topic for longer. Suzaku would have called him too paranoid, but Lelouch was sure that there was something more in Milly's line of questions. If that was the case, he knew how to play that game.
He tilted his head to the side. "You think so?"
"Of course."
"If I'm completely honest, I'm a bit intimidated. I haven't been to Pendragon before and it's all so big and crowded." Lelouch chuckled and glanced back at Suzaku. "I think Suzaku has managed to take it better than me. I still feel like staring at the buildings."
"So you're glad that Suzaku is with you?"
"He's my best friend. Of course I am." Lelouch allowed himself a more honest smile. "I don't think I would have kept my head without him here. Then again, I kind of wish that he wasn't here. We've been friends since we were kids and I just don't…I don't want to see him die." Lelouch ducked his head, carefully counting off seconds as he shook, looking up when he felt that the proper amount of time had passed. "Sorry."
"Don't be. It's going to be tough out there." Milly was sympathetic now, completely thrown off the track she had been following. Lelouch wasn't sure if it was because she knew what would appeal to the people or if she hadn't been too intent on her line of questioning in the first place. He didn't flinch away as she reached out to touch his hand. "And there's your sister to think of."
"Yeah. I really do want to be able to go home to her but…"
"But what a choice to make, your best friend or your sister. I don't envy you."
A bell chimed, Lelouch jumping at the sound. Milly pulled away from him, looking out into the audience. "Well, there you have it. It's time for the other half of this dynamic duo. Thank you, Lelouch, and I wish you the best of luck."
Lelouch murmured his thanks and walked back to the couch to applause. If he hadn't won people over with his performance, then he had at least secured those who had supported him for sure. He had also managed to successfully dodge around any questions that could have revealed him as a prince. While that information was sure to save it, it would do little to help Suzaku and it would indebt Lelouch to the royal family, something that he wanted to avoid at all costs.
He sank into the seat with a long sigh, offering a smile to Suzaku. Suzaku gave his shoulder a pat before walking over to take a seat across form Milly. Lelouch looked away from them as Suzaku and Milly carried out the initial pleasantries, choosing to focus on the other tributes. Most of them looked tired and few were completely alert. Luciano was the only one that was showing a definite emotion and he looked like he wanted to strangle Suzaku, something that made Lelouch tense. They wouldn't be allowed to harm each other yet, but Lelouch wasn't sure how far the security team would let it go before they called a fight off.
Lelouch shifted to look back at Suzaku and Milly. Worrying about Luciano was not his top priority at the moment. He just had to react properly to the comments that Suzaku made.
"So, how does it feel to have one of the top scores of the Games?"
"I don't know. I don't think it's sunk in yet. Although, I do worry. It means that everyone will be coming after me and Lelouch."
"So your two plan on staying a team?"
To Lelouch's relief, Suzaku didn't look back at him. "Of course. We've known each other for so long that it would be weird not to work with each other. Between the two of us, we have a good thing going."
"Really? So how long have you known each other? We had the same problems finding people to talk about you."
"That's because most of them are here." Suzaku laughed. "I was basically raised with Lelouch and Tohdoh because my father was busy. Then Lelouch took me when I was ten. We have known each other for about six years before then."
"Well, if you two lived with each other, then don't you two think of each other as brothers?"
"No. We're friends. I just sleep at his house. There would probably be far less arguments if we were." Suzaku shrugged. "Although, maybe not. Lelouch and I can get into some good arguments, although he calls them debates. I don't think anything could change that about us and I don't want it to."
Milly chuckled, pushing hair out of her eyes. "That's something that wouldn't change, the personality of a person. But you're allowing me to get off topic. Why did you move in with Lelouch? Your father had to move or…"
"No. He died in an accident. Area 11 provides most of the sakuradite for the Britannia and my father was a miner. I'm not sure if it was the sakuradite or the drink that killed him, I wasn't there when he died. Lelouch's mother took me in after that. It's not a complicated or sad story. It's just something that happened."
Lelouch's eyes widened, watching as Milly leaned closer to Suzaku. He wasn't sure what to think of Suzaku's tactic, not really sure that it was much of a tactic in the first place. Suzaku was just being himself, the same honest boy that he had always known. The same boy that had hated Lelouch for lying and had tried to stop him. Lelouch smiled to himself, leaning his cheek against his hand.
"Knowing that happened, how do you feel about the upcoming Games?"
That caught Suzaku off guard; Lelouch could tell by the way that Suzaku sat upright. Suzaku shifted but didn't look back at Lelouch. "I…I don't really know. I intend to survive as long as possible. But there are more people that deserve to live than I do."
"Like Lelouch?"
"Exactly." Suzaku gave a weak smile. "It wouldn't be too easy to kill me. I've been told that I'm stubborn."
Milly laughed, sitting back. "I wouldn't expect anything else from someone who had gotten a score of eleven. But you've got to give me a bit more than that, being a saint doesn't sell well. There must be something that you'd regret if you died in the Games."
"There are plenty of things. Nunnally is like a sister to me and I would hate to leave her without a goodbye. I would have volunteered for her if Lelouch hadn't been so quick. But there are plenty of other people that I would want to say goodbye to as well, like Tohdoh and Lelouch's mother."
"Yes, but is there anyone special?"
Suzaku rubbed the back of his neck. "There is someone, but keeping them a secret would sell better."
"I will admit that, but give us just a little teaser in the few seconds we have left."
"Well," Suzaku sighed, letting his shoulder droop. "I will admit that there is someone, but I can't say and I'm sorry about that. But that is the one secret that I will keep."
"Taking it to your grave?"
The wistful smile that crossed Suzaku's face made Lelouch shiver. He wished that he had managed to convince Suzaku that the romantic angle could have worked. Milly was eating out of the palm of his hand and Lelouch was sure that Suzaku could have convinced Milly of anything, especially since Suzaku could have put real feeling behind what he was saying. But there was some part of him that was glad that Suzaku held back. He wasn't a prince officially anymore, so this was something that he could keep to himself. Lelouch was sure that he would have never used Suzaku in this fashion in any other circumstance.
Suzaku stood up, bowing to Milly. "I will be taking it to my grave."
"That may be closer than you think."
"I know. But there are other things more important than me and my life."
Milly looked like she was about to speak, but the bell went off. Suzaku gave the audience a bow, walking back to his seat in silence. He sat down beside Lelouch, carefully resting his hand over Lelouch's. The gentle pressure was enough encouragement for Lelouch to flip his hand over to let them hold hands properly. He moved their hands so that the cameras would not be able to see their joined hands. There was nothing for it anyway, he would give up his plan to use the sentiments of the people. Frustratingly enough, Suzaku had managed to outmaneuver him.
Lelouch let his head drop back to rest on the back of the couch, using the lull to steady himself as Milly introduced the next two tributes the last two tributes for the night. Lelouch glanced over at toward where Luciano was sitting. As soon as the interviews were over, Milly would announce the one tribute that the emperor would favor, but Lelouch was already sure which one would be chosen. He closed his eyes, listening as Milly began her banter with the first tribute from Area 12.
Nunnally supposed that she should have been used to the grandeur of the imperial palace, but she doubted that she would ever be completely used to it after being raised in Area 11. But she had managed to bide her shock at least, something that would be useful to her for meeting with the other royals. She just wished that she had move time to prepare. Schneizel had just whisked her out of Euphemia's room before they had even gotten to the Area 11 portion of the interview. The only explanation she had gotten was that it was important and that she was meeting with the candidate for the throne. Nunnally almost wished that they could put off meeting the candidate for another day, or at least until they had watched the interview. Nunnally just wanted to be sure that her brother was alright.
She glanced over at Schneizel as the door to the drawing room opening, not quite willing to look at the candidate in the fear that the chosen person would be unsympathetic to their cause or would be the emperor himself. Nunnally could just imagine what he would do to her before the Games began to make Lelouch suffer.
"This is highly irregular, Schneizel. You're lucky father was distracted tonight or I wouldn't have been able to come."
"That is exactly why I called you here tonight." Nunnally was turned around as Schneizel took the wheelchair from his aide. She found herself staring at an older man, struggling to place him. She glanced back at Schneizel. The second prince didn't seem to notice her confusion, stepping away from the wheelchair. "It was a risk worth taking in any case. You expressed an interest in something like this before, so I naturally thought to include you."
"And what are you speaking of?"
"All in good time. First, I'd like to introduce the young woman who will make this all possible. Odysseus, this is Nunnally, Marianne's daughter and Lelouch's sister."
Odysseus glanced at Nunnally before shrugging. "I know that you though well of Marianne and that Lelouch was your favorite sibling, but this cannot possibly be true. I believe that Marianne did nothing to betray Father's trust, but she and her son died not long after they left Pendragon. There was no chance for Marianne to have a daughter."
"You were easily convinced by that story, which means that they will continue to be safe." Schneizel gestured to Kanon, the aide walking over to Odysseus' side, presenting the tablet to him. "But I assure you that it is true. Nunnally is our half sister and in full rights to her title, as Lelouch is to his."
Odysseus glanced up from the tablet, his face pale. "But, that means that the Lelouch in the Games is our Lelouch, especially if she is here."
"Father has not divulged that fact, but that means that it's more likely to be true than a rumor." Schneizel chuckled and shook his head. "And we remain quiet about the issue because we're too scared to question him. But that is completely beside the point. Nunnally has the proposition that would interest you."
Odysseus jumped, handing the tablet back to Kanon and walking over to Nunnally. "Is that true?"
She tried to draw herself up to her full height. "Yes. Father had broken the law by including Lelouch in the Games, but it's more than that. He's also used them to terrorize the citizens of Britannia. The Games were an overreaction to a rebellion that happened long ago and now it's only used to keep the people cowed and the emperor is using it to kill people. I want to save my brother and Suzaku, but I want to end the Games completely. I want to end the Games as peacefully as possible because there had been enough violence."
"You know that will be difficult. Father won't listen to you."
"This is why I came to you. Schneizel said that you would be able to help."
"You'll need more than my help. I'm afraid that I don't have much influence on Father."
Nunnally blushed and looked away for a moment, gathering herself together before looking back at Odysseus. "Schneizel said that the sure thing would be to take the throne away from him, it is the only way to gain the power that is needed. And…I find that I agree with him. Father doesn't seem to care about any of us. There must be someone better suited to govern Britannia."
"So our brother brought you to me." Odysseus looked up at Schneizel and took a step back. "Schneizel, you cannot possibly think that I would be the best candidate."
Schneizel shrugged. "You have spoken to me about this same desire, so why not you. The people trust you in matter of peace as I am trusted in the matters of the state. The people would support you no matter what they felt for their emperor."
"And what about you, Schneizel?"
"Unfortunately it would be expected of me, and I find that I have no ambition for such matters. I am content to remain prime minister."
"In power without the dangers of being overthrown. It does sound like you, Schneizel." Odysseus shook his head, turning away from the two of them.
Nunnally was tempted to reach out to him, but a glance toward Schneizel stopped her. She settled back in her wheelchair, watching as Odysseus paced up and down one side of the room. Nunnally sighed, suddenly wishing that Euphemia was there. She knew that Schneizel was going to use the planned coup to gain power, that was obvious enough. Lelouch would have had a problem with it, but Nunnally had seen enough of the legislations tied to Schneizel alone. That was enough to satisfy her. She wasn't sure how Schneizel would work under an emperor like Odysseus, but Nunnally was sure that he wouldn't change. But the fact that Schneizel was so obvious about his bid for power was the thing that worried her the most.
Odysseus came to a stop, looking down at the watch on his wrist before looking at Kanon. "Father won't have announced his favorite for the Games, but you were the one to deliver the report to him. Who did he pick?"
"Luciano Bradley, your highness, without a moment of hesitation. I didn't even hand him the scores."
"But Bradley has been portrayed as one of the best career tributes from Area 2 in the decade." Odysseus rubbed his chin. "But that means that he was looking for someone that could kill easily without being killed."
Schneizel snorted. "Father wants an assassin, unsurprising since he wants to eliminate the four Daltons. Well, and Lelouch now too."
"They could slip through, like Kanon did."
Kanon flinched, reaching down to rub his knee. "I'm afraid that I barely made it out of those Games alive. I was lucky, my prince."
"I see." Odysseus paused, glancing up at the ceiling. "Then we shall have to make a move. You can take this as my agreement to the plan."
"Thank you."
"Don't thank me yet." Odysseus walked back over to Nunnally, resting a hand on Nunnally's hand. "I will warn you of this then, Schneizel, there are things that I will not be swayed on. This is one of those things. I want to be sure that we move according to Nunnally's plans."
Schneizel laughed. "I would never think of doing otherwise."
Odysseus nodded, walking over to the door. He paused with his hand on her knob. "I'll wait for your signal on this Schneizel. It was a pleasure to meet you Nunnally." Odysseus gave her a bow. "I hope that we will have another chance to meet and talk again, preferably not in a formal environment. I wish you luck."
"And you too." Nunnally grinned. "Thank you for your help."
Odysseus didn't reply, the prince leaving the room quickly. Nunnally managed to keep her smile up until the first prince was gone. Then she turned to Kanon, staring imploringly at him. "An assassin?"
Kanon nodded. "Luciano will know what he is expected to do as soon as the announcement is made. Everyone knows that the emperor wants the Daltons dead and that Lelouch is the one tribute that will be the easiest to beat. Luciano already has a grudge with Suzaku, so he won't let that stand. It is likely that Luciano will choose to kill everyone as quickly as he can, it is the only way he will be able to survive."
Nunnally swallowed and slumped, feeling her hands shake. She had thought that, because their father had ignored Lelouch thus far, that Lelouch would be safe, at least from whatever the emperor wanted to do with the other tributes. She rubbed her hands over her face before she looked up at Schneizel. "Is there anything we can do?"
"No and I am sorry for it." Schneizel knelt by her side, gently taking one of her hands in his own. "But Lelouch is smart and he will be able to think of a way around anything that gets in his way."
"And he has Suzaku." Nunnally whispered the words under her breath, hoping that, if she believed them enough, it would make them come true. She squeezed Schneizel's hand gently before letting it go. "And you are sure about your promise not to interfere in a grab for power. You, my brother and Father are very much alike."
Schneizel looked taken aback for a moment before he recovered. "A very pertinent worry, but not one you have to fret about. I'm afraid that I lack the ambition that my younger brother or my father. You will be safe with me."
Nunnally nodded, relieved when Schneizel stood up. She was more than ready to return to Euphemia's rooms and speak with the princess. Talking with Schneizel exhausted her mentally because she had to keep up with all of his twists and turns while second guessing him. Nunnally just wanted good, simple conversation, something that would let her keep her idea that there was good in all people. Nunnally knew that the idea wasn't true, but it was the way that she preferred to view the world in when she could.
She carefully tucked in her dress as Schneizel took up his place behind her wheelchair, Kanon going to open the doors for them. Nunnally muttered her thanks to Kanon before turning her attention to the hallway. "We'll begin after the Hunger Games start."
"It's a wise decision. You can't compete with the Games." Schneizel hesitated for a moment. "You won't have to watch them, Nunnally."
"What else can I do? And what would happen if he died? It would hurt, but at least I would know. And then, I would fight to save those who were left. I many not be my brother, Schneizel, but I am a vi Britannia all the same. I may not have the same political knowledge that the others have, but I will learn."
She felt Schneizel slow, sure that he had gotten her message. Nunnally kept herself from turning around. She was sure that Schneizel wasn't insulted by her statement, if anything he would be impressed. But what she had wanted to do was intimidate him, to make sure that Schneizel would keep to his promise to not try and snatch power. Nunnally sighed, reminding herself to keep paying attention to the way politics in the palace worked. It would be to her advantage to be able to compete with the other siblings if they tried to sabotage what they were doing. Then there was the part of her that wanted to impress Lelouch, the part of her that wanted to show that she could take care of herself.
She appreciated everything that Lelouch had done for her, but she was fourteen now, and Lelouch was nearly eighteen. It was time that he was able to let go and start his own life without Nunnally to hold him back.
Cecile let the sentence she had started trail off, Suzaku watching her attempt to start again. He offered her a smile. It was the same for Tohdoh, their mentor not speaking a word since they had found out that the emperor favored Luciano Bradley. Suzaku hadn't even seen Lelouch since they had gotten back from the interview.
He took a step forward, patting Cecile's arm. "Thanks for everything. You're really good at this."
"I'll take Area 11 next time too."
"They'll appreciate it." Suzaku stepped away from her, not surprised when Cecile walked away. He and Lelouch were dead men walking. All of the tributes were if they were completely honest. Tributes like Luciano were the most common winners of the Hunger Games, the strong tributes that were trained from birth for the job. Still, Suzaku was optimistic enough that he and Lelouch could slip through, or that he could give Lelouch enough of a chance to. And that in itself was a kind of relief that Lelouch wouldn't have to kill him.
Suzaku walked out of the common room and into the hall. In some ways, it was good that he had managed to get on the wrong side of Luciano before the Games. The problem was convincing Lelouch of that. Suzaku shook his head as the door to their room slid open, not surprised to see Lelouch curled up under the covers. He crossed the room and slipped under the covers, about to wrap his arms around Lelouch when his friend turned to face him.
"We can't make it."
"Of course we can." Suzaku smiled, sure that Lelouch couldn't see it in the darkness. "We still have a chance."
"A small one. One not worth acknowledging."
"We can still do it, Lelouch. It's not worth just giving up. There have been cases were underdogs like us have slipped through."
"Not enough." He could easily guess that Lelouch was pouting. "There's not enough of those cases to call it a plan. And now we have to compete with Luciano. He'll get everything that he needs."
"We have enough supporters to get a good supply ourselves. Your popularity guarantees us that. I say we'd be pretty evenly matched."
Lelouch scoffed, not the witty reply that Suzaku had been expecting. Suzaku wished that he could see Lelouch properly, so that he could at least try to convince Lelouch not to give up just because the odds were rising against them. Then again, Suzaku wasn't sure that he wanted to see Lelouch. He wasn't sure that he would be able to keep his face straight, which would clue Lelouch into what he was really feeling. He wanted to be able to believe that they would be able to make it through the Games, that they would make it through alive. But he was practical and he knew that only one of them would be able to make it out, but only with a lot of effort.
He sighed and wrapped his arms around Lelouch, not bothering to offer any more cheerful advice. Lelouch was in one of his funks and wouldn't be convinced, not until Lelouch was almost out of his bad mood. Suzaku rested his cheek against Lelouch's head and closed his eyes.
He didn't get to relax, Suzaku staring at Lelouch as his friend sat up. He heard Lelouch sigh before Lelouch touched his cheek. "You were probably right to wait to tell me about…that. It makes everything worse."
"You were the one who pushed."
"I know that." Lelouch snapped. "But that changes nothing. It makes everything more difficult, because now I want to protect you."
Suzaku kept his mouth shut, keeping himself from making the teasing comment that first came to mind. He sighed and pushed his face into the pillow. "I want the same Lelouch, don't think that I don't. But, well, you know why I'm insisting on the way our plans are going."
"Your views make no sense! There's no difference between you and me at this point. And we're both equally as important. There's nothing that makes sense about any of this!"
"What do you want to do? Start a rebellion from the inside of the Games? That will make us lose for sure. From where we are, the only way to do anything is to win and then use that position."
"What's the point if yo-certain people aren't alive?" There was a rustle as Lelouch pushed the covers off of him. Suzaku looked up towards where he guessed where Lelouch was.
"And that will stop you, Lelouch?"
Lelouch didn't respond immediately, Suzaku imagining that Lelouch was frowning at him. He didn't want to make Lelouch mad, but it sometimes seemed like it was the only way to get Lelouch to consider the other side of an argument. The longer that Lelouch stayed silent, the more likely it was for Lelouch to give up on his current argument.
He didn't get much of a chance to relish his small victory. Lelouch flopped back onto the bed. He was still in his funk, but at least Lelouch was thinking. Suzaku sighed and closed his eyes.
He opened them quickly as he felt Lelouch's fingers on his cheek. Suzaku peered into the darkness, reaching up to hold Lelouch's hand on his cheek. He heard a soft chuckle before the bed dipped under Lelouch's weight. His eyes widened as he felt a puff of breath against his lips for a moment before Lelouch kissed him. In his surprise, Suzaku froze, feeling Lelouch's hand slip into his hair.
The moment passed quickly, Lelouch pulled back a fraction, but he didn't pull his hand out of Suzaku's hair. Suzaku swallowed and carefully scooted forward until their foreheads touched. He was sure that Lelouch was waiting for him to return the kiss, but Suzaku wasn't sure that he could, not with the Games looming before them. Lelouch might have been able to deny himself things easily, but Suzaku couldn't. He couldn't stop himself from wanting something except by ignoring it completely. Suzaku sighed and kissed Lelouch's forehead, the only compromise that he could think of. Promises to each other would mean nothing at this point, so all Suzaku could do was assure Lelouch that he felt the same way now, because their now was more promising than any future that either of them could think of.