A Place With No Darkness- Chapter One Part 2

Jun 21, 2012 21:15

Title: A Place With No Darkness
Author: Spirithorse (eachainn )
Rating: M
Pairing: Suzalulu
Warnings: Character deaths, violence, death
Summary: AU. In one move Lelouch saved his sister and damned himself. Now he has to compete in the Hunger Games and figure out some way that both he and Suzaku. Suzalulu.
Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass or The Hunger Games.


Chapter One

"Hello everyone, this is Milly Ashford, taking over the broadcast of the Hunger Games once again. Thanks for all of your attention last year, I was afraid I would be out of a job, especially after having to follow Caesar. I hope to be bringing you these Games for a long time and trying to make then as entertaining as Caesar once did."

The blonde winked at the camera, turning in her seat. She pushed the chair backwards, using one hand to gesture to the map of Pendragon and the Areas that surrounded it. The Areas had a single light in each of them, ten of them already green. Only the last two Areas had red lights. Milly turned to look at the camera again, resting her left arm on the table in front of her and leaning over it.

"Now, we've seen the tributes from Areas 1 through 10, and there were some great tributes. I can tell you right now that I will have a hard time picking my favorites from them. Then again, I'm all about being fair, so you won't get my favorites until after you see their scores. I don't want to make you lose any bets with your friends back at home.

"We'll be going live to Area 11 for their Reaping in just a few minutes, but let me just tell you about the arena until we're ready to go. Now, you know that I can't show you any pictures, because that wouldn't be fair. But, I can tell you that I know the designer for this year. We'll be speaking with Nina Einstein later on, while the tributes are being sent up to glorious Pendragon. Until then, let me tell you, look out for Nina. She's the most brilliant arena designer I have seen. Others have been too complicated and then the Games get boring, just two tributes running around and trying to keep away from each other. But I can tell you that this year it will be all about survival. And survival is the fun part, right?"

Milly grinned at the camera, sitting upright abruptly at a soft ding. She glanced over her shoulder, quickly returning her attention to the camera.

"Alright folks, here we go. Everything is ready in Area 11. Let's hope the tributes this year are good ones. I'll see you after this."

She held a smile until the man behind the camera motioned for her to stop. Milly sighed and pushed away from the table, spinning around in her chair to look at the map with the colored lights. In the background she could hear the rest of the crew rushing around, trying to make sure the feed was steady and wouldn't be cut off. Diethard's voice was the loudest, ordering triple checks on everything and shifting the positions of the camera people in Area 11. He would come over and speak to her afterward about their coverage of the Opening Ceremonies, probably with some new angle to consider. Diethard always focused on bringing something new to the broadcast.

Milly shook her head, reaching up to fluff her bangs. She couldn't be too judgmental of Diethard Ried. Not only had he successfully steered Caesar Flickerman's last ten years with the Hunger Games, but he had also been the one to give her this big break. With the public on her side and their ratings already inching higher than Caeser's first year as announcer, Milly had nothing to complain about. She just wished that Diethard would show something other than enthusiasm for the Games; it was a little frightening at times. It was hard enough for her to keep a straight face on during her daily summaries, let alone a smile. And Diethard was always smiling.

"You look like you could use this."

Milly turned around at the voice, barely getting a good look at the person before she was distracted by the cup of coffee that he had set in front of her. She took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. Milly leaned forward, wrapping her hands around the cup and finally allowed a real smile to cross her face. "Thanks Rivalz."

"No problem." Rivalz leaned against the table, glancing out into the chaos backstage. He wouldn't be need for a while since the cameras wouldn't be rolling. "You're barely going to have time to breathe once everything gets going. That's what I'll be there for."

"My faithful cameraman?"

"Yep." Rivalz winked, taking a sip of his coffee. "I'll always be there to make you look good."

"Thank you, Rivalz." Milly looked up as Diethard stopped shouting, catching the man leaning over the monitors in the back of the room, carefully monitoring the feed from Area 11. She shivered and leaned back in her chair, clutching the cup close to her. "They've started."

Rivalz glanced at Diethard before raising his cup in a salute. "God help them."


Lelouch gripped the back of Nunnally's wheelchair tightly, staring up at the platform that had been raised in the center of the town. There was nothing on it, save for the four chairs at the back. Only three of them were occupied at the moment, Lelouch scanning down the row. The first chair was empty, but that wasn't too surprising. It was no secret that Clovis would have preferred to stay away from the Reaping if he could. He would probably turn up just in time to make a grand entrance when the cameras started rolling.

The second chair was occupied by a young woman, her blue hair cut short except for two sections that hung down past her chin. Lelouch had never seen her in his life, which probably meant that she was from Pendragon. He raised an eyebrow at the elegant blue dress that she was wearing, surprised at the modesty she was showing. All of the other Reapings that he had managed to catch before Marianne had herded them to the town square had shown the women in very revealing dresses. Apparently the style in Pendragon at the moment was to show as much skin as possible, which was making the rumors that Charles was looking for a new wife more true with every Area.

The third chair was where Kyoshiro Tohdoh sat, the one still living champion from Area 11. Lelouch was not surprised that Tohdoh had forgone the usual finery that accompanied the Reaping. All of the others who had the money were showing it off in their clothing, like the Reaping was some sort of celebration. Tohdoh just looked like the rest of the crowd, dressed in his usual green jacket and pants. Tohdoh's clothes might have looked cleaner and better made than the rest of the populace, but it was obvious that he was connected to them. He was even sitting stiffly on stage, obviously not at ease.

The last chair held Bartley Aspirus, the disgraced Britannian general who acted as an aide to Clovis in Area 11. Bartley would remain behind in the Area when Clovis went to join his family in viewing the Games in Pendragon, where the royal family could discuss the success of various Areas as children died.

Lelouch looked away from the platform, marking the position of all of the cameras. The people behind them were all too far away for Lelouch to see their expressions, but he was sure that they looked equally as bored as the people near the front of the gathering. They were the ones who had nothing invested in the Reapings, it was just another job. Lelouch could feel a little less hate for them, because it was just another job. There was still some part of him that wanted them to rebel. All of those people had to watch children torn away from their families knowing that only one would come back.

He tightened his grip on the back of Nunnally's chair, returning his gaze to the platform at the front. Any moment now they would start the Reaping, it would take all of five minutes and then it would be over. After the names were drawn they could all just leave. Lelouch barely knew anyone his own age aside from Suzaku, they were all too busy taking care of their families or getting ready to start their own lives. Everyone his age looked relaxed, relieved even. It was everyone younger that looked panicked. They had the most to lose.

It wasn't until Suzaku rested a hand on his arm that Lelouch realized that he was shaking.

Lelouch let out his breath in a rush, releasing the back of Nunnally's wheelchair. He felt Suzaku's hand slip around to his elbow, Suzaku allowing it to remain there as a support. Lelouch took another deep breath, calming himself down. If he overreacted now then the cameras would focus on him, the people of Pendragon loved any kind of drama. There was little to no chance of them being recognized, it had been too long since Marianne had been in the capital. They were officially declared dead in any case, so no one would look for them. That thought made his stomach turn.

If he just did something to draw attention to them, then maybe one of their siblings would realize the truth and they would get Nunnally out of here. She would be exempt from the Reaping if she was an heir to the throne. Lelouch swallowed and ducked his head. That was just wishful thinking on his part.

Charles had divorced Marianne before he had sent them away. Lelouch couldn't even claim the title of prince, he had been disinherited. He had no idea if his father had ever had a change of heart, but Lelouch was sure that it would only affect him. Charles had believed that Nunnally was another man's daughter.

Lelouch looked up as the crowd began to mutter. The cameras must have been turned on and some signal given, because the three already on stage were sitting up straight and glancing over to the stairs that led onto the platform. Lelouch shivered, glancing over at Suzaku as his friend pulled away. Briefly, he felt Marianne's hand on his shoulder before his mother took a step away.

As is usual habit, Clovis appeared just as the cameras started rolling, smiling and waving at the crowd with one hand while he escorted his latest model onto the stage. The woman was just like all of the others, a perfect figure and a revealing dress. She was waving at the crowd as well; acting like this was another one of the parties that Clovis threw from time to time. Clovis escorted the woman over the chair, sitting her down before gesturing toward Bartley with one hand.

Bartley stumbled to his feet, going over to the side of the platform to pick up the two bowls that would be used in drawing the names. Lelouch didn't know why they bothered using two bowls anymore, especially since Area 11 hadn't been sending girl tributes for a while. And, by the look of those who had shown up, they might not be sending a girl again. But that was up to Clovis in the end.

Clovis gestured at the crowd for silence, only having to ask it of the people who filled in the front row, the rest of the crowd was silent. Clovis smiled like he didn't even notice that most of the faces in the crowd were serious, treating the Reaping like another one of his parties. He didn't seem to notice the rest of the crowd anyway, turning to the nearest camera. "Sorry for the delay, had to make sure that everything was running smoothly. And now, without further ado, let us begin. Bartley, if you will."

Bartley scrambled over with the first bowl, setting the one with the boys names on the ground. Lelouch glared at the crystal bowls, carefully smoothing his face into a blank expression the next minute. All of the Areas had something equally as over the top to draw the names out of, an attempt to draw attention away from the fact that they were sending teenagers to their deaths. The more it looked like a simple drawing, the better.

Lelouch closed his eyes and took a deep breath, feeling Suzaku's hand rest on his elbow again. He leaned into the touch, careful to keep the point of contact between the two of them out of the sight of the cameras. Suzaku gave his elbow a squeeze when Clovis had pulled the name out, probably after a lot of dramatic mixing and reaching by Clovis. Lelouch swallowed and opened his eyes, watching as Clovis stared at the name.

The viceroy's reaction was not what he expected.

Usually Clovis would beam and announce the name immediately, like it was the greatest honor to be bestowed on a person. This time, Clovis was just staring at the name that he had pulled out. Lelouch could tell if Clovis was shaking, but it looked like it. He tensed up the longer the silence went on.

Was the name just unreadable and Clovis was having a hard time deciphering the letters? Or was it one of Clovis' illegitimate children that was going to be sent out? Or was it one of his former models that he had dumped when his inspiration had run dry? At the worst, Clovis had just bungled the switch that he was supposed to do if Charles had ordered someone from Area 11 to disappear, one of the people who had just been sent from Pendragon in disgrace.

Lelouch craned his head to look over the crowd, trying to pick out the few people that had come from Pendragon. They had all been saying that they had managed to get on Charles' bad side, but Lelouch remembered that it had all just been little reasons. And none of them were young enough to be entered into the Games anyway. Lelouch frowned, about to risk going up onto his tip toes to gain a few extra inches when Clovis finally found his voice.

"Nunnally Lamperouge."

Lelouch stumbled backwards, Marianne the only thing that stopped him from falling over. He stared up at Clovis, mouthing his sister's name before pushing away from his mother. He raised his hand and shouted as loud as he could, "I volunteer to take her place!"

In the silence that followed he became aware of the people that were staring at him. Lelouch kept looking straight ahead, resisting the urge to check to see just who was looking. He was sure that all of the cameras were focused on him now, but they would swing back to Clovis as soon as the viceroy started talking again. Lelouch stared at Clovis, waiting for his half brother to make a move.

Bartley was the one who spoke up as Clovis was still staring into the crowd and clutching at the slip of paper with Nunnally's name on it. "I'm sorry. You can't volunteer unless you're the same gender. There aren't any-"

"Bartley!" Clovis finally moved, turning to glare at his aide before smoothing his face back into the usual public persona. Lelouch tried his best not to flinch as Clovis smiled. "It's obvious that she's not fit to compete and it would be cruel to send her. You want Area 11 to have a chance at winning this year, don't you?"

Clovis didn't give Bartley much of a chance to answer, stretching out a hand and miming a count of the crowd. "I see we're a bit short on girls again this year. Hopefully those brides from the other Areas will give the population a boost. But for now, we'll just work with what we have." Clovis ripped the paper in half, Lelouch letting out a sigh of relief and finally lowering his hand. "We'll send two tributes this year, but they'll both just have to be male. Father will understand."

Bartley bowed and reached for the bowl that contained the names of the boys. "Should we two names?"

Clovis hesitated, glancing between Lelouch and the bowl. For a moment, Lelouch thought he would be able to get out of the mess that he had gotten himself into. If Nunnally was completely safe from competing, that meant that he wouldn't have to worry about her getting chosen ever again. And he wouldn't have to worry about competing himself. There would be someone else far more competent than him to try and earn a victory for Area 11.

Clovis glanced around at the cameras before shaking his head, Lelouch feeling his heart start to beat faster. "I…I don't think we have to. After all, that young man has already volunteered his services. So," he swung back into his usual banter, although his smile wasn't as strong as before, "I'll just draw the final name."

Lelouch barely registered the fact that Clovis was reaching into the second bowl. He was too busy trying to keep himself upright by his grip on the back of Nunnally's wheelchair alone. They had disqualified Nunnally from participating, which was a good thing. But he was still being sent in her place. He was going to die. Lelouch didn't regret volunteering for his sister, but the crushing realization of everything that it meant was making him shake.

He twitched when he felt hands on his shoulders, Marianne resting them there for a moment before pulling him back into a hug. Lelouch swallowed and reached up an arm to rest his hand on her arm, leaning back against his mother. He felt safe in his mother's embrace and, for a brief moment, allowed himself to believe that Marianne would never let him go. She had defended him against everything else in his life, from the time that the accusations had been laid against her to their life in Area 11. Marianne, out of anyone in the world, could prevent him from going to his death.

He looked up when he felt his mother shift, belatedly remembering that there was still one tribute left to chose. Lelouch tightened his hold on Marianne's arm, trying his best not to shake as he watched Clovis read over the name.

This time Clovis seemed surer of himself, Lelouch wondering why Nunnally's name had been enough to frighten the viceroy. No one in the royal family knew about Nunnally's existence, she was officially dead along with the rest of them. The more likely explanation was that Clovis had recognized the name of the only girl in a wheelchair in the town and had worried about the announcement of her name. Sending a crippled Tribute to the Hunger Games would probably anger the populace as well as lose Area 11 the chance at winning, the latter the one thing that Clovis was sure to care about more.

Clovis stepped up to the microphone again, holding the slip of paper carefully in his hands. "Suzaku Kururugi!"

Lelouch jerked back in Marianne's arms, turning to look at his friend before scanning the crowd. Someone had to volunteer to go in Suzaku's place. It was the smartest move to make because Suzaku would be the one to bring food to them; Suzaku was the one who could hunt in the forest. Most importantly, Suzaku was the one who had to stay behind and protect Nunnally.

No one spoke up, the cameras already panning back to Clovis to catch the viceroy's closing speech. Lelouch kept on searching, hoping for a last minute miracle when the people of Area 11 came to their senses. It never came.

"The tributes will have five minutes to say goodbye to their family members before being escorted to the train. They'll be in Pendragon by tonight, so make sure to watch as they represent us in the opening ceremonies. Let's hear it for our two tributes!"

The only applause came from the front rows, the rest of the town turning to look at Lelouch and Suzaku. Lelouch met their gazes, trying to see if there was still a way to pull off a miracle. Instead, they all looked relieved, happy that it wasn't them. There was some remorse there, but Lelouch didn't bother to linger on that. Everyone was relieved that they were going off to die, after everything that he and Suzaku had done for them. They had been a part of the town and struggled with the rest of them. Lelouch remembered working the fields while Suzaku had hunted, because his mother had been sick and Nunnally couldn't. He remembered making rounds on cold winter nights with his bag filled with medicine and food because families were sick. They all owed him something and, the one time he needed them to act, they remained silent.

Lelouch slumped, letting go of his mother's arm. He closed his eyes, trying to curl into himself only to be prevented by Marianne's hold on him. He felt her hand rest on top of his head for a moment before she stroked his hair. Lelouch shivered, turning around in Marianne's arms. He didn't expect his mother to pull him close, tensing a bit as she held him tightly. Marianne had never been demonstrative about her affection for Nunnally or himself, but it was there in the little things she did or a brief touch on their arm. Lelouch had been expecting a quick goodbye.

He wrapped his arms around Marianne, surprised when she leaned down to whisper in his ear. "You take care of yourself."

There was a catch in Marianne's voice, Lelouch trying to look up at his mother only to have Marianne gently guide his face back to her shoulder. "Take care of yourself and Suzaku, and come back alive. The both of you."


"I don't care how you have to do it. Make a miracle." Marianne kissed the top of his head, slowly pulling away from him. "Just come back."

Lelouch nodded, distracted by the sight of tears in Marianne's eyes. He had never seen his mother cry, he had never thought her capable of it except in the abstract. He stared at his mother until he felt someone grab his wrist and give it a gentle pull. Lelouch responded automatically to the signal, kneeling on the ground and facing Nunnally.

His sister wasted no time in pulling him into a hug, Lelouch splayed awkwardly across her lap. He shifted on his knees, reaching up to wrap his arms around her neck.

Nunnally didn't give him orders, she just held him, shaking as she cried. Lelouch sighed, resting his head on her shoulder. His first instinct was to apologize for making her cry; he never wanted to be the cause of pain for Nunnally. Nunnally had been through so much already that she deserved to smile every day.

Lelouch tightened his grip on her. "Sorry."

"Thank you." Nunnally sniffled, pulling back far enough that she could look at him. "You didn't have to."

Lelouch just shook his head, reaching down to pick up her right hand. He held up his right hand, pinkie extended and waited for her. It was an old thing that the two of them had done when they were younger, something that they had learned from Suzaku. Lelouch had lost track of all of the things that they had pinkie promised about, only remembering the few important ones that he had made sure to fulfill.

Nunnally smiled, linking her pinkie around his and giving their hands a firm shake. Lelouch was tempted to hold their position, but Nunnally broke away quickly, wiping the tears away from her eyes. "I'll go easy on you this time. You won't have to eat a thousand needles."

Lelouch chuckled, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. "I love you, Nunnally."

"I love you too."

It looked like she was going to say something else, but she looked at something behind him. Lelouch turned his head, watching as Suzaku stepped up behind him, his friend glancing toward the edges of the crowd. "They're starting to close in."

Lelouch looked around, frowning as he saw the police start to make their way through the crowd. Their five minutes were up. Now they would be escorted to the train as fast as possible to prevent the two of them from escaping, despite the fact that Lelouch had no intention of running away. If he did, Clovis might be pressured to put Nunnally in the Games anyway.

He stood up, Suzaku stepping slightly behind him, probably keeping an eye on the police that were coming towards them from the back of the crowd. Lelouch sighed and reached back to grab Suzaku's shoulder, starting to tow him towards the platform. If they were going to the Games, he would make it look like it was their idea. All of the other Area's tributes had almost been dragged to the front, save for the tributes from Areas 1 and 2, but everyone expected those tributes to be the ones the most eager to enter the Games. Lelouch planned to show them all up, it was only right after he had volunteered for the position.

Suzaku shrugged off his hand, walking back his side until they reached the stairs that led up to the platform. Lelouch was the first to climb up the stairs, careful to look at Clovis instead of staring out into the crowd. If he looked back toward his mother and sister he was sure that he would lose his resolve completely. It would be so easy to run back to them and stay there, to let someone else suffer.

He took a deep breath, letting his out slowly at Clovis approached. He would appear calm and collected the entire time he was on television, he could always panic later.

Lelouch bowed to Clovis, some part of him hating the fact that he had to bow to his own half brother. The sting was made easier by the fact that Suzaku bowed with him. Lelouch met Clovis' eyes as he straightened up, surprised to see some fear and amazement there. He refrained from commenting on it, allowing Clovis to spin him around to face the crowd and gesture at the two of them, showing them off one more time. Once again, the applause was lacking and, once again, Clovis didn't seem to notice. He seemed almost eager to pass them on to the woman and Tohdoh, stepping back toward the front of the platform as Suzaku and Lelouch were led off.

Lelouch glanced over his shoulder at Clovis, trying to rationalize his half brother's behavior only to have Tohdoh turn his head back to the front. Lelouch glared at their mentor for the Games, about to give Tohdoh a piece of his mind when the older man spoke up first. "Don't look back; it doesn't make it any easier. Just keep walking."

He sputtered, trying to come up with a dignified response. Suzaku cut him off before he could say anything, his friend elbowing him in the side and shaking his head. Lelouch snapped his mouth shut, resolutely staring at the back of the woman's head as she led them to the train that was waiting at the station.

There was no parade following them as there was in the Areas closer to the capital, just the stares of the town as they were led off. Lelouch was sure that the richer people in town would have viewing parties that Clovis would circulate through. Clovis wouldn't be leaving until tomorrow, well rested and presenting the image of a perfect prince. He and Suzaku, on the other hand, would have to appear as they were in the opening ceremonies unless they got a good stylist. But those always went to the favored Area of the year, probably Area 1 since Schneizel was in charge of that one.

Lelouch stepped slightly closer to Suzaku, just close enough that their arms could brush against each other if they wanted to. Clovis and Area 11 might as well be miles behind them now; he had to stop worrying about them. The thin he had to concentrate on now was generating survival strategies. It would be useless to devise a full strategy before they saw the other tributes, but at least they could alter an existing strategy instead of starting completely from scratch when they were put into the Games. Tohdoh's insight would be extremely useful there. Lelouch shot a glance of their mentor, quickly looking away when Tohdoh glanced back at him. That would be, again, something for later.

The woman led them right to the train, stepping to the side to allow them in first. She probably expected some kind of tearful scene or strong send off that would win the hearts of the people, but Lelouch was in no mood to play to the expectations of the crowd. Logically, he knew tat it would be in his best interests to play to the crowd, it would get him supporters that could donate money to send him supplies while he was in the arena. Lelouch could be charming and charismatic later, when it mattered more.

He walked onto the train, claiming the first seat by the windows facing away from the town. Lelouch purposefully stared out the window, mentally distancing himself form Area 11. He looked up as Suzaku sat down next to him, a bit too close, but it was comforting to have Suzaku close. Lelouch smiled in thanks before looking back out the window, not paying attention as Tohdoh and the woman entered the train. He closed his eyes, waiting out the time until the train started moving.

In addition there is the full list of the tributes for your reference.

a place with no darkness, code geass, suzalulu

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