Current Read:
The Templars and the Assassins: The Militia of Heaven by James Wasserman
A historical account of these two groups, stripped of the mythos which they have garnered throughtout the centuries since their beginnings. Wasserman is as objective as contemporary credible historical sources will permit, his research for this book being obviously thorough and extensive. After the historical account, he also proposes a theory of how the interactions of the Templars and Assasins was an important occurence that planted the seeds for the Western Mystery Tradition to flourish.
The religious conflicts of the past, as described in the book, almost seem contemporary in light of the ongoing conflicts between Christian and Muslim extremists in today's world, demonstrating that much of the religious dogma has not evolved and remains Medieval as it were. An interesting read for anyone interested in understanding the roots of conflicts still gripping Old Aeon religions and for students of Western esotericism seeking to unearth and understand the history of their rich traditions.
Web finds:
Geekdrome Podcast - Two twentysomething geek types from California "shooting the shit" about their latest geekage: movies, video games, comics, TV shows, etc...rife with lowbrow humour and personal anecdotes, the show is always a fun listen if you're into this stuff (newest episodes also available in video, and check out the 2 episodes with special guest Kevin Smith who can geek it up with the best !).
HSX - Hollywood Stock Exchange - - Just like the stock market, except that the commodities traded are Hollywood movies (Moviestocks) and actors/directors (Starbonds). Free to join, you start up with a cool $2,000,000 H$ and try to make the right investements to see you fictitious loads of cash grow (or perish as in my case!)
Headlines News:
- Irish priests suspected of abusing 350 children: report (Last Updated Fri, 10 Mar 2006 16:02:21 EST CBC News)
- Osama's niece to star in new reality show (Last Updated Fri, 10 Mar 2006 15:26:32 EST CBC Arts)