Fred has been doing more painting \o/ The apartment is looking nice :D My railings have a coating of paint on them and the steps have another layer.
But I missed class today 'cause I forgot it was one of our 12:30-2:50 classes. Dammit Moye, way to make my life complicated. If class was at 3pm like it should have been I would have made it just fine :| Whatever.
Chorus starts tonight!
And I think I can do my radio promo stuff Friday at noon. Phew, I was afraid they were only doing it this past weekend. Good good.
Um. Other stuff. My weekend was good, forgot to mention that. Brian made soup. It was delicious \o/
I just realized I still have no idea where my workshop syllabus is. I decided not to join the Critic class. Just isn't gonna work this semester lol. It's bad enough that Moye's alternate schedule stuff is messing me up.
Also, I have yet to mention how much I love my Intro to Philosophy teacher. Alan Moore. He's just awesome. ...and the amusing thing about the class? It's a freshmen level course. There's two freshmen out of ohhh... IDK, twenty kids? lol.
LARP this weekend. I think I have whatever I need, lol. Hopefully! Wonder if I can find any of those hot chocolate things...