Last Tuesday, V hit the peak of her teething pain, cutting six molars at once. No one was getting much sleep. When a child goes through this we give them a cold washcloth to chew on. When we go though something like that, out dentist gives us Vicodin. Totally unfair. She bore up like a trooper though and the pain has been subsiding. Infant Tylenol is keeping the worst of the night-time pain at bay. Tonight she got to use her new molars for the first time on a favorite new food: tortilla chips.
Tonight and tomorrow is the peak of
Terrier_Girl's thesis stress. She hands in the paper on Wednesday, and is pounding away to get the last of it done and ready for her committee. It's non-stop fun until then. Thankfully we've got a small army of friends and family backing us up or we'd be toast.
Today V and I went to the Waltham Open Studios. V loved the art and, of course, charmed every grandmother within 50 yards. She was content to just sit and watch and eat. It was kind of like a cruise: wheeled from place to place with a never ending buffet of snacks. Cool art as always, and I got to chat with some artists that I hadn't talked too before.
FYI. Terrier's graduation party is on Sunday, Nov. 21, 2-6 PM. You're all invited. Let me know if you're coming so I know how much cake to get.