Sleep, What is it Good For?

Apr 29, 2010 09:42

So after sleeping half of last weekend away and still feeling tired I went to the doctor. The result: I don't have mono, but I do have inflammation in my lungs from what looks like viral bronchitis and a mild case of anemia. I've got an inhaler for when my chest gets too tight and I've upped the red meat and the leafy greens. Hopefully that will help.

V on the other hand has decided to take a general strike from sleeping. After managing about 1/2 hour of naps (total) yesterday she slept poorly all night and then woke at 6 AM. She went down for her morning nap at about 9 AM and has been asleep for 40 minutes, which is good. Tonight terrier_girl is going to try putting her to bed right after dinner, with the hope that she'll sleep better and stop being such a cranky-pants.

watching them grow, v, body, sleep

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