Life Happens

Apr 16, 2010 13:28

V's had a cold. terrier_girl has had insomnia. I'm one tired papa.

But the flood waters have finally receded from the local park, leaving the trails mostly dry. I went jogging for about the third time this year and it felt good. Managed about 1/2 mile, which is pretty good for me for the first run of the season. Does anyone have a pedometer I can borrow? I'd like to measure the loops in the park so I can better judge how far I'm running. It would be nice to give accurate numbers to the other runners in my life when they ask.

Work is better since I took a breath and realized that while the project is huge, I have a year to finish it. Oh, and it helps that I had miscalculated some dates in my head and now the "OMG I'm two weeks behind!" has turned into "Wow, I'm two weeks ahead."

I got a new stereo in the minivan, replacing the crap-tastic manufacturers radio. I don't know why, but I never get good reception with the standard radio. And now this radio has an AUX jack, so I can plug in my BlackBerry, or Terrier's iPod and am no longer at the mercy of the airwaves. Oh, and I accidentally found the DVD player under the front passenger seat while I was cleaning it. So we may actually be able to put videos in for long car rides. Of course, the stereo installation people might have messed that up. We'll see how it goes.

We're having guests over for dinner and after some frantic searching I've found my Mole Poblano recipe. So tonight it's deliciousness for dinner.

Tomorrow I'm going to pick up my blueberry bushes, even if I can't put them in the ground in the rain. I was also going to do some gardening and mow the lawn, but it looks like I'll have to put it off for a few more days until the weather clears.

v, body, not so guilty pleasures, capitalist piggery, watching them grow, mother nature, family, work, garden

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