Life is, if not good, extremely content. I feel good about my choices and how I spend by time. Having a baby has refined my priorities to the point of almost painful clarity. They include family, work (to fund the family), our community (our extended family), and fun (to keep me a sane member of the family).
terrier_girl and I had a long talk last Thursday about priorities, and we both realized that we were living a life that had only a passing acquaintance with what was truly important to us. To the point that both of us were falling to serial sicknesses. Our conversation snaked their way through just about every aspect of our lives until we had sorted them into two buckets: a small one labeled "important to us", and a larger one labeled "not in the foreseeable future". Right now our tactical objective is to get Terrier's PhD done by next May. This means that she has to focus most of her non-mommy energy there and I need to keep her focused on an on track and work closely with her to keep the house going.
In the short term, because of the illnesses that stole about 50 hours of our past few weeks and the death of another STs father, we've had to cancel the Strange Boston event scheduled for the 12th. Very disappointing on several fronts.
For the next few months, I will have a total of eight baby-free, non-work hours in my week, unless I do something drastic like hire a sitter. The downside is that projects that require thought or two hands will not get done. The upside is that while the house falls down around my ears and my brain atrophies from lack of challenge, that I will have plenty of time for socialization. I've got to nail down a few dates in the next couple of weeks, but after that I will be free to visit or be visited Monday-Thursday night. And if you want to see Terrier, she's available for socialization on Thursdays. If you want to see us, either V and me or the three of us, invite us over. Or invite yourself over here. Here are the limits:
- You cannot have a communicable disease that V could catch.
- I have to cook dinner and get a good night sleep every night. Mon-Wed I can't leave before 7 and I'll have to be home by 11. If you live far away it will have to be a short visit.
- You're welcome to come over for dinner. Let us know you'll be coming and what dietary restrictions you have.