0: Tearing Down The Walls

May 30, 2007 12:34

Only occasionally have I written about myself, and very rarely have I gone back to look at what I have written. Mostly I just like to critique things outside myself. Its not that I'm hiding anything (anymore).... and its certainly not that I lead an unexamined life -- but it is definitely a sort of avoidant behavior.

I've got what it takes to start doing what I need to do in this area. And more importantly, I have the burning desire to do it. I admit.... that its actually not primarily for my own sake. It is because here are some of you out there that I'd like for you to know me, and others who don't even know this journal exists. An organized quest for self-knowledge would indeed be a nobler purpose, but if such efforts materialize (and they might), they are a byproduct.

Some of my favorite imagery is of the dreaming Rose Walker in Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" Book 2, "The Doll's House" -- wherein Rose can see what everyone else in the house is dreaming about... and she doesn't see any reason that there should be walls separating their dreams; that it would be so simple to just shatter the walls -- so she does, and mass havoc ensues. Since reading that comic thirteen years ago, that imagery has stuck in my mind, largely because I identified with Rose... that she was someone like me. Amazingly, by grace, she surivives the ordeal (sorry if that's a spoiler for anyone, but there's still a whole lot more to the story).

And so here begins my effort to tear down the walls...
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