Feb 01, 2007 10:48
A sad sad state of personal affairs when it takes me more than a few seconds to remember my live journal name and what flashes from my brain to my fingertips instead are all of my various gaming logins. Have I lost sight of what's important? Yes, and no.
I've heard many a person describe how, no one on their deathbed ever wishes they'd spent more time at work, and everyone wishes they would have spent more time with friends and family. I don't feel I am heading towards that sort of regret.
I do find myself questioning what I do with my time though. And probably what I would regret most is that I did not take the time to write down my thoughts as they happen. I have a very bad memory for specifics, a good one for impressions, but a very bad one for specifics. Even today, one of my biggest frustrations is when I am put upon to justify my impressions with specifics and come up empty.
Certainly, I am probably among the LEAST guilty of leading "the unexamined life". My mind is probably immersed in more abstract philosophical details every day than most people will see in a week. But I am so busy pursuing my wants, than I have neglected an important need. I hate the word need... its so... needy.
It should be a want. By that I mean, that I know that it SHOULD be an important want-- A want that is important because it is what I really want. But if that were the case, I surely would be doing it.
My one saving grace until this point may end up being my email correspondences, which I'm fairly good about saving.
But I resolve to WANT better.