
Nov 07, 2004 19:13

This past Friday I spent the night with Trisha. It was one of the best nights of my life. These past two weekends have been so eye-opening. Thoughts kept coming and coming as I was following her marching band during the parade.. Beautiful thoughts, and feelings. They almost brought me to tears.

As the band waited for the signal to being marching I heard something that sounded like a waterfall behind these two huge buildings. When they began I walked alongside of them, crossing the street, and passing the college kids, and so I got a taste of what college life was like in Mo-town. Cheap alcohol, cheaper cologne. I followed the lady in the brown coat down the street and tried to pick Patricia out of the marching band. I looked across the street into the tenements housing between twenty and fifty college students, all of them hanging over the ledge of the building on an opening by the main stairwell. They were clenching bottles, it seemed, and a smile was on all of their faces. I walked further and a creepy guy with a pipe, a pipe with the most intoxicating vanilla fumes, began walking between myself and the brown lady. I kept hoping he would blow a hit my way. I followed further and realized that the creepy old guy was an uncle, father, gotparent, anythinng of the sort, of one of the band members. He stopped; the band marched. I followed brown a while longer, hastily trying to keep pace with her. I seemed to be running when I noticed Patricia's father and I came to one of those cartoonish stop/turns. I stood by him, and he looked over and put his arm around me and waved at Patricia. I felt at home. He, Trisha's mom, and myself walked further down the street toward the end of the parade. Jeanette (mom) had stopped to talk somewhere but myself and Paul (dad) continued walking. I thought I spotted Sarah's mom in a coffee shop, but I pretended I didn't. Paul waved at her. We walked a bit further and during a silence he shouted, "PATRICIAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" then turned to me and said, "She HATES that." Yes, sir, I know who loves your daughter. We walked to the end of the parade, met patricia, and he wondered where Jeanette was. lalala We went home. I met Jonathan. I enjoy the company of him, Brian and Jeanette, and the momma and daddy. They talked politics over my head. Great supper. Tacos + Enchiladas courtesy of the mr. and mrs.

Paul let us stay up till 1:00 making brownies. We fell asleep together at 12:30 till about 1:50. she got the brownies out and I desperately needed sleep. I pee peed, brushed my teeth, and went to her bedroom to tuck her in. I kissed her goodnight and she said goodnight over and over again as I shut the door behind me, bidding her a fond farewell cause i'm a motherfucking gentleman. Chivalry, baby. I'll hold the car door. Woke up, she made me pancakes. Delicious. WVU game was awesome, crazy college students causing a ruckus. A lady asked if we wanted the rest of her popcorn and I asked if she put cyanide in it. We won 40 something to 21 i think. came home and chilled. Had her dad's amazing chili. Watched October sky together and made out for the last 7 minutes we had together. (haha)played a game where you find signs that begin with a-z. It was fun. I bet that if we got all the way through the alphabet Patricia and I would be together forever. Made it through the alphabet. I kept looking at her and smiling. Met mommy at Hardee's and kissed Patricia goodbye. I thanked her family for everything.

The End.
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