Here's an interesting article that I found about working together. Though it primarily deals with seperate generational factions, I believe it could be used to work out pretty much any conflict (see the problem/problem thing near the end).
In other news, the Discovery weekend at Columbiana UMC was a blast. It was great playing with Robb, Bobby, Nick and Kelsey. All great leaders, all great musicians! My voice was shot by Friday night. Thank goodness Robb was able to cover for me on Saturday evening.
Sunday was interesting since Robb was not at church to help lead the vocal part of things. Even though I was still struggling a bit, I made it through worship with this raspy thing I'm calling a voice. It was funny to me that a few people said I sounded like (get this) John Mellancamp, David Bowie, and/or John Hiatt. Though I'm not planning on taking up smoking (like someone else suggested ... in jest), I may just have to start screaming a few minutes before I start singing next week.
This week we did a service about Repentance. We used parts of U2's "Bad" as a reflection at the end of a time of prayer and meditation concentrating on repentance. I think it went over well. Someone even commented about how well the lyrics went with what we were doing. Score one for God on that one!
32 days 'til Vegas. Woo-hoo!