[Ryou's face appears on the screen, and at first, he looks normal. Somewhat. There's dark rings around his eyes and he looks a little paler than usual, but that's okay, right? Maybe he's just sick!
...Sick in the head, perhaps. Pulling a switchblade that isn't his from his pocket, he raises it to his mouth and licks a flat side of the knife's cold metal with precision. Something's very wrong here--this isn't the kind Ryou Bakura at all.
He stares into the camera, a strange smile crawling onto his face.]
I want to play a game.
Anyone up for it?
I love games.
[He toys with the knife for a few more seconds, and the video cuts off.]
[ooc: So for the time being, Ryou too is possessed, and is going to try to cut into ribbons...pretty much everyone. How successful he is up to you, of course! He'll be lurking around in the apartments on various floors~
And look here, because it's relevant.]