Jan 26, 2004 19:33
I just got all my photography crap and realized my camera didn't come with a lens. So its just a camera without a lens. I feel like an idiot for realizing Camera body meant ONLY the body, lens not included. =( I was freaking out, cuz what the hell happens if I can't find the lens for it? And it didn't even come with the batteries or a case! I have to re-order all this shit and like everyone but me already had their cameras with them today. =( I just hope that they have the lens I need and stuff when I call them tomorrow. And my dad is being so annoying he is making me wake up early tomorrow and by early i mean 8 AM just to go online and fill out the unemployment crap cuz his company told him they won't have work for a whole week at least. I said, why can't I do it now or later? He's such a jerk, tomorrow is my day of sleeping late. I freakin woke up at 6:15 AM today and I was looking forward to sleeping late tomorrow until like 11, when I would have to start getting ready for school.
I'm not gonna let this whole camera thing bother me. If the professor don't like it, too bad. It's not my fault, and I am ordering the missing stuff, so booyah.