Mar 26, 2006 14:26
Just goes to show that when you get lost and no matter how dark everything may seem-- there's always a light, no matter how dim, that can grow brighter, and once again show you your path.
The lock-in ended up being lots of fun in the end. At first I played some volley ball with Ryan... and later Liz and Alex joined. I admit, for some of the lock-in I felt terrible. To watch everyone have fun with each other, play basketball, soccer, run around. And me... some people played volley ball with me... or soccer with me... standing stil. Because I can't run. I felt terrible... ruining their night, making them play lame-o games with me when they could be doing something active, something fun with someone else.
I couldn't swim, so talked with Mary for a while. Then I played cards with Nick, Mike, and Andrew. Andrew and I were a team- it was pretty funny, because any time we would make a mistake, Andrew would tell me that he forgave me, even if it wasn't my fault haha. Mike kept stealing my deal and leaning back to cheat and look at my cards. He even told some kid near me to cheat for him! Rrar haha. Nick got bored because it was a slow game (one point at a time haha) and so everyone went to play basketball.
I played some PIG with Kevin and Liz, and shot around with peoples. Later Mike started up a game with Kristine, Andrew, and a few other people. He told me that I could keep shooting at the basket we were all shooting at, since he asked me to play and I said I couldn't... but I didn't want to shoot at the same basket they were playing at. I'd only get in the way. Disrupt their game. All the other baskets were full... so I went to go walk by myself.
Joe walked with me, even though Caroline wanted him to go with her and her friends. We talked, it was nice. She kept walking near us, saying really weird things. Flirting with Joe... actually they could be a good couple... haha
Had an amazing talk with Kevin when I drove him home. I love him so much. Then Halladay stopped by to show us the gnome he bought. HAHAHAH hilarious. Then me and Kev watched like 30 squirrles run around. Definitley made my day.
Not to make this painfully long... Saturday morning I was tired and completely accidentally took the mirror off the car. I wasn't paying attention, and the car was too close to the side of the garage. and BANG. The mirror got pwned. My dad was SO mad... but he was cool about it later. I really felt horrible, he said I had to pay for it, and I was willing to, even though it's expensiiiiiive. But yeah, everything was fine in the end.
and then, once again, another amazing night with kevin.
Ohhh, Spring is deifnitely the season for couples. AWWWWW!
Thank you... for helping me find my way.