Title: Set Down Your Glass
Pairing: Mainly Harry/Clara, some John/Sherlock
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~6,800
Summary: The year 2010 through the eyes of Harry Watson.
talkingtothesky. ♥ Her prompt was, “Harry/Clara, healing, Mycroft gets involved in bringing them together again”.
you say you'll sew me good as new and I know you will )
Comments 26
The texts (all of them)! The Harry Potter references! The sticky note the morning after! The not being able to say yes fast enough! Sherlock in the hospital! Mycroft being awesome! Anthea (you read my mind, I was really, really hoping something would happen and then it did :D)! The cooking! The first sentence! The last sentence! All the sentences in between!
Those are just some of the things I love about this fic. ♥ I didn't want it to end, but when it did it was so perfect and happy-making that I am reduced to being all over-emotional and flaily! (See, this is why I was greedy and asked for two. I knew as soon as I had one I'd be dying for more. Your writing is so addictive. :D)
THE HARRY POTTER REFERENCES ARE MY FAVOURITE i was like let's make clara a redhead just so i can make lots of silly harry potter references and have them be adorable together. :')
I AM SO GLAD YOU DIDN'T THINK THIS WAS WAY TOO LONG i was like okay, i can do this, just a couple hundred words! and then it just kept getting longer and i was enjoying myself way too much writing this entire thing and i was like OH MY GOSH I BET THIS WILL MAKE NO SENSE TO OTHER PEOPLE, but it made sense to you SO I AM PRETTY ECSTATIC. :D THANK YOU FOR LIKING THIS, ilusm. ♥
All the Harry Potter stuff is adorable.
So glad you liked the Harry Potter stuff! Adorable is what I was aiming for. ♥
(I've written in second person, and I know how mind-bending it can be, so please take this as a nudge rather than a criticism - a couple times you've got "her" instead of "you" - take a look at the scene where Harry tells John that Sherlock's in love with him.)
I'm glad you enjoyed the fic anyway. ♥
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