Only a few more hours and then I'm gone! On the one hand, I can't wait to get out of here for a few days, but then I'm also a bit nervous, but also very excited. I'm weird.
At the moment, I'm downloading the first episode of True Blood. Finally, there's a working link again. I really want to check that out.
My Supernatural fic is finished and I'll post it at
spn_theme_ficlater. Also a little nervous about that, because no one has posted there before, so I'd be the very first one!
- Addison and Wyatt - did they or didn't they...?
- Charlotte wants to marry Coop!
- Violet's pregnant! - And doesn't know who's the father! Oh my...
- A man has cancer and will die within weeks. He asked Pete and Sam to help him die. They refuse, but when Pete visits him at home, he already started taking pills, to overdoese. Pete stayed with him then. That was really sad. And in the end, Pete got him morphine in a syringe and he killed himself.
- Oh, no, Addison's brother is back - and he's working at Wyatt's office? God, I hope it's not something permanent. I don't like him!
E.R. 15.14 - A Long, Strange Trip - Lookie, lookie! It's Jake Abel, the third Winchester!
I'll make a proper goodbye-post later, too. ;-)
P.S.: Oh no, there's no sound on True Blood! Grrr...