Never pay the reaper with love only

May 11, 2009 15:35

*cries* Why is it Monday already? Where did my weekend go?? I also had a horrible night. Almost didn't sleep at all. It was so warm in my room and I was uncomfortable in my bed and it was just meh! Plus, work sucked again, too. I just feel like I need a loooong vacation.

raynedanser, have you sent the package, yet?

Can I ask my wonderful flist for some favours?

First, do you know which theme it is in this Star Trek trailer? Or do you have a download link? I love it! I especially love the part that starts at around 1:20.

And second. do you have a (wave)sound of the Supernatural episode "Simon Said", when Dean finds his beloved Impala again and says "hey sweetheart, did you miss me?", or know where I can find it?

Alright, so of course, I finally watched Supernatural and omg! *g*

- Again, heartbreaking when Dean and Bobby locked up Sam. You could see how much it hurt Dean.
- Dean wants to kill Lilith without Sam!
- Not addicted, nooo. ;-)
- Sam's hallucinations, omg! Alastair! Young Sam! (gread kid btw) Mary!!
- "How can you run from what's inside you?"
- Too much blood would turn Sam evil!?
- Cas and the angels think Dean's the one who'll stop it, and Cas makes him swear to fully give himself over to God! OMG!!! What does that mean?!
- Bobby calls it 'being the angels' bitch' LOL
- Wow, so cool how Sam flew along the bunker wall!
- And Cas lets Sam out! Does he want him to become that monster?
- Omg! Dean says that he thinks Sam is a monster when acting like that!
- Holy moses! The fight!!!!
- "You walk out that door, don't you ever come back!" - Sam leaves.

*gasp* Goodness! I know Kripke wants to kill us! CAN'T WAIT for THAT finale! And I have to try to avoid my flist until I've seen it. :-P

So, Patrick got this Jared guy out of prison, who said that he's not guilty for what they put him in, and that he has info on Red John, which he's willing to share with Patrick if he gets him out.

Patrick really got him out but he escaped, and there I thought that maybe Jared was Red John, but then they found him murdered and Red John called Patrick... and what you hear is only a laugh...

I really thought they finally had a lead to Red John. It's getting so exciting! Can't wait to find out who he really is.

tv: supernatural, tv: the mentalist, flist

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