*sighs* That thing with the 10-second-cars...

Apr 10, 2009 18:03

Went to see Fast & Furious last night!! A friend called surprisingly and asked if I wanted to join her to the cinema, and well, of course I did. I already knew what movie she wanted to see but still I asked and her reply was "the one with Vin Diesel of course!". haha Of course! *g*

So, some thoughts, not very spoilery. ;-) But of course, there were shocking and surprising moments in the movie.

Yeah, the "original parts"... they cut it!

Uh, Vin Diesel looked awfully HOT!!! I'd even say better than in part 1! And I LOVED the cars and the soundtrack of the movie was really cool.

The story was different from part 1, but not too much. And what can I say? I LOVED it!!! Some may say, it's just a movie about tough guys, hot girls and fast cars, but I really like the movies! Especially the first!

And btw, Vince and Leon weren't mentioned, BUT I spotted my boy Vince on a picture! Very, very blurry, BUT it was him!! *gg* I grinned like crazy and was happy. LOL

The first part, The Fast and The Furious, will be on tv, here, tonight!! Yay for Matt!! I also dreamed of him last night. I dreamed that I met him (at a set or something) and I shot a video with my cell phone - and deleted it accidentally!!! Hope that never happens in real life. LOL

Before the movie, there were some really cool trailers, also of - *squee* - Star Trek!!! And Public Enemies, which I'm both so going to watch!!! While buying the tickets, I already saw a poster for Star Trek and that there'll be a pre-premiere at that cinema on May 6th! *g*

Of course, I missed my Thursday evening shows, which I watched in the rerun at night. And wow, thank god, I didn't miss them!!

OMG!!! Warrick!!! *shocked*
I knew about it, of course, but wow! I had a weird feeling in my stomach when the episode was almost at the end because I knew what would happen.

Oh wow, Booth looked so HOT in that uniform!!! - At his own funeral. ;-) First, I thought that it was a dream of Brennan or something, but it was "real", well, they faked it, but... you get it. ;-)

And then - oh my - Booth in the tub!!! *gg* Already uploaded a new icon, you'll see. haha

I was quite shocked with that explosion at the lab, and poor Zack was injured! And then, suddenly, Hodgins was a suspect?! And then Zack! AND THEN, it really was Zack!!!!!!! *shocked* I thought it before, too, for a second, but then I thought, nah, not Zack!

But oh my... that was surprising and shocking!

- Omg! Don't tell me Teddy ate his friend?! Ew!!!
- Oh no, what's wrong with Michael?? The nose bleeding.
- Gretchen NOT dead!!

Btw, no new Supernatural this week?!

What made me happy today:

- Baked a cake today. Translated, the name would be something like "Gold Drop Cake", because when it's cooling down, caramel drops form on top. It looks like this. We (my mother and I) never tried it before and worried that it might not work with the drops, but it did. :-)
- Saw our baby bunnies today again and OMG, they're soooo damn cute! Their eyes are open already but they're so small, it's totally cute! Plus, one of the older bunnies licked my hand! *g*
- I uploaded a Vince icon to LJ. *g*

dreams are my reality, tv: prison break, tv: csi, movies, meme, matt schulze, baking & cooking, tv: bones

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