It's freeeeezing in here!!! We turned the heater down because outside it was quite nice, but *shivers* it's so cold inside!!
Again, not so much to tell, so I go right to my tv Wednesday:
- Carlos can see again!!
- Andrew wants to get married! And his husband to be was in a porn movie?! LOL
- Porter/Preston, Preston/Porter... they switched places in court and thought their parents wouldn't notice. LMAO Actually, I thought that the actor (Charles Carver) played both characters, also because so far, they haven't appeared in one scene together, that's why it could've been that way, right? But IMDB told me that there are twins for these roles again.
- OMG! Now, I know why Dave wants revenge on Mike - When Mike and Susan had the accident where the woman and her child died - they were Dave's family!!!
DELL!!! That had to be said! *g* I love his hair this season, btw. So cute!
- A 14-year-old that wants to have sex with his girlfriend, but he's HIV positive - and doesn't know it!
- Parents that want to save their little son that has leukemia by giving birth to a new baby that could be a donor to save the boy. And it has to be "right now!", but the mother is only six months pregnant and doesn't seem to care about the baby.
... OMG! The woman comes to the hospital because her water broke - because she did it herself, with a knitting needle!!! *shock*
- Oh nooo! Dell quit!
All in all - very good episode!
OMG! I cried sooooo much when Pratt died!! I couldn't believe it! He was the last I expected to die! :(