Happy Birthday, keyweegirlie!!!

Feb 26, 2009 17:00

Hey keyweegirlie! Happy birthday!!! I hope you have a really great day!! *hugs*

Today, I'm feeling a bit better, though my morning, that started real good, actually, turned bad - of course - when my brother came hom. I'm telling you, he can be the nicest person and he'd do anything he could to help you, but when his mood changes, which can happen in seconds... oh boy! *rolleyes* Of course, it was work-related and he was blaming my father and me for stuff that happened because he didn't care about it. But then he left and when he came home, it was like nothing had happened.

Watched Desperate Housewives, which was quite interesting again. Now, that Lynette's son has this affair... but how did Lynette find out who the woman was? Tom didn't know, so...??? Pushing Daisies was so sweet again! Ned and Olive attended a baking competition, and there, Olive realized that she still is in love with Ned. Aww! Ned is so cute! And Olive is great! I love it when she's singing. And everytime I watch this show, I want to start baking, too! :-) I can't believe the show is almost over... Men it Trees - last episode - was great, too. And it had a real end, not some open end thing, which I hate so much. So, there was no happy end for Annie and Patrick, which surprised me. But in the end, she chose Ivan (who is damn HOT btw). Marin's voiceover always makes me so sad when she talks about love, like that everybody is waiting and wishing for that one true love... And it makes me sad because that's exactly what I want and what I am still waiting for to happen, and I get lonely.

Well, not much happened here today. Was a bit tired before and crashed on the couch, but now I'm feeling alright again. Also won't do much this afternoon. Maybe I'll just watch the latest Heroes episode, which I haven't done yet, and later of course Prison Break. I'm afraid this season is also over very soon. :-\
But I'm really looking forward to next week, when we'll get lots of new episodes and also new shows. On Sunday, The Mentalist starts, and also new episodes of NCIS. Then we'll also get new episodes of CSI and Bones next week, which I'm really looking forward to. And also another new show starts, Life. Oh, and Torchwood, too.
But what sucks big time is that they changed the air date for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. First, it was on at around 9, but because of bad ratings, they are now showing it after midnight, and instead two hours of Simpson re-runs. Yeah, like that's gonna help the ratings! :-\

tv: desperate housewives, tv: pushing daisies, tv talk, tv: prison break, tv: csi, flist, tv: terminator scc, anger management

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