I can’t believe life’s so complex // When I just wanna sit here and watch you undress

Aug 02, 2011 20:14

Slight change in the working schedule, but I still have to work on the weekend. Meh.

Got some free music from Amazon. Why didn’t I know there’s free music?? I had never heard of the artists before, but sounded good, so I took it. I think I’m gonna look for more mp3s in the future. I like having a real CD in my hands (with the fear of losing the downloaded songs), but sometimes it’s a lot cheaper and I think I’ve gotta save some money these days. Same goes for books/ebooks.

“CJ and I were a little bit almost married once.”
- “Did she just call him CJ?” **g**

Also, dress-whites! UNF!

What did Nathan see??!! Gosh, this is exciting!!

Harnessed Skitters?! O_O And… they were something else… before!? **gulp**

Eric kneeling before Bill [who - again - has just the worst timing in history!] - UNF!

Funny… I have the same earrings as Sookie! **g**

Eric: Smells like death in here.
Pam: That’s me. [LMAO! And under the blanket!!]

Eric: Are you afraid?
Pam: Fuck you! [OMG! LMFAO!] Pieces of me are falling off, I’m pissed!

I don’t think I’ve ever loved Pam as much as now!
Pam: Let me tell you a little something about King Bill. He’s a self-loathing, power-hungry, pompous little dork. And you hate his guts. Eric, snap the fuck out of it! You have no loyalty to Bill Compton! You are a Viking vampire God, and you bow to no one! If someone crosses you, you rip out their liver with one fang!

Sheriff Northman! **g**

Tss… Of course Bill wants Eric’s true death! **glares**

“The ghost of my serial-killing ex-fiancé tried to murder us in our sleep. We’re just peachy!” - Can I just add that I’d have preferred to seeing René out on the lawn instead of the woman, whoever the hell she was?! Btw, that baby is just the cutes thing!

“If you don’t shut the fuck up and stop fucking with me, I’m gonna turn into a doberman and chew off your goddamn face.” - Give him hell, Sam! <3

Low-hanging pants? I like ‘em! [Tommy’s scene!]

“It’s a full moon tonight. I’ll be back in time to run with you.” - SAM! ♥

See! Tommy shifted into - Sam!

The with made him rise in daylight!! O_O

Jessica comes to Jason - blood bond! **sings** ;)

Omg! Tommy… Sam… No, wait, Sam Trammel that is, made a good Tommy! ;)

“How can you not think you’re special?” - Jessica to Jason. [Careful, or I start shipping you!]

“The vampire I used to be is a stranger to me. I have nothing to say in his defense.”

“Sookie… Tell her, I was born the night she found me. And because of her, I went to my true death knowing what it means to love.” ♥ ♥ ♥

Bill let him go!!! And FINALLY!!!!

That was beautifully shot, with the moonlight on them. But to be honest, for their first time, I expected something more… ugh! You know? Something wilder, like on the couch in the beginning. Spontaneously and rough and wild, yes. But who knows? Maybe it’s still happening… **g**

More tv watched: Leverage 4.05 - The hot potato job, Falling Skies 1.07 - Sanctuary Part 2, Combat Hospital 1.06 - Inner Truth, Covert Affairs 2.08 - Welcome to the occupation

tv: combat hospital, i love my viking, tv: falling skies, tv: true blood, music, shopping, tv: white collar, tv: covert affairs, hooowl!!!, tv: haven, tv: leverage

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