I'm only human, but I try to be great.

Jul 15, 2011 03:16

This is not a good bigbang year for me. Just had to drop out of spn_gen_bigbang. I have started writing a story but until today, I've only got less than 1,000 words. And rough drafts are due tomorrow today. Yeah... :-\

My flist is exploding with sad gifs of Harry Potter just now. I hope all of you who're going to watch the last movie today enjoy it. I still haven't seen the 7.1 movie, but as I wanted to watch this last one in cinema, I should catch up soon, huh? And I'm always so late on coming to like stuff, like now with Harry Potter. Now that it's over, I'd like to have the hype start all over again. I still haven't read the books although I have them here at home. But hey, I've seen the first six movies, so that's something, right?

I remember when it all started, I was like, nope, I'm not going to read it, nor am I watching the movies. It's for children, not my thing. But now... I want to be a part of it, too!! Though, better late than never...?!

In other news - is it even worth to turn on the tv anymore? There's nothing on! Except maybe Wedesndays, when there are new episodes of Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice, but the rest of the week...? Forget it. Tonight, I watched some kind of cooking show and then I kept switching channels, until now - 3 am - where I'm listening to some music, but I'll probably go to bed soon.

me! writing!, movie: harry potter, tv talk, fan fiction: poltergeist the legacy, fan fiction, livejournal: spn_gen_bigbang

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