Suddenly I'm thinking "sucking" isn't a good word to use around vampires.

Jun 09, 2011 21:59

The happies of happy birthday wishes go to padabee!!! Have a great one, sweetie!! <3

I just posted my fic for sncross_bigbang. It's a Supernatural/The Walking Dead crossover // Gen, R // 15,023 words. If you're interested, I posted a masterpost at my writing journal HERE!! :D

Btw, yesterday I posted a new, short Generation Kill fic and got a great comment, only saying, "You. This. *brain explodes*" I'm still a little unsure about posting slash stories, so this meant so much to me. *g*

Shameless pimping - You can find all my writing at spirit_junction :D

I've had another problem with an Amazon order. I wrote that I had ordered and received the complete series of Battlestar Galactica, right? So, a few days ago, I unpacked it and noticed that it contained no season 3, but twice the season 4! So, yesterday, I emailed Amazon and not 15 minutes later, I already received an answer. I'm gonna have to send the incomplete box back to them - no charge though - and the Amazon guy wrote that he already ordered to send me a new one. And just before, I got an email saying that they already sent it on the way. Should be here by tomorrow. You can't really say anything against their service!

"It doesn't like me. It's threatened by me. It's sensed that I'm the alpha male." - Oh Becker! *g*

I would've gone with Matt! <3

Connor built a machine to create anomalies!!

1.09 - Tasers and mind erasers

Only now, they're finding out that each of them has powers!

Joanna: Have I not mentioned to you guys that a couple of months ago, I discovered that I have the power to jedi-mind-trick people?
Roxie: Why haven't you said anything about this? We could've been having so much fun with it!

Roxie: So, did we all just admit that we're witches?

And Roxie is supposed to kill Darryl! And Jamie is Darryl's son!

1.12 - Magic snow and creepy Gene

Finally, we learn more - Darryl tells in flashbacks about him, revealing the secrets and all!

Creepy Gene, alright! o.O Oh, and Jerry O'Connel!

1.13 - Pampered and tampered

Danny's back!! But he doesn't remember the last five years, thinks it's only been one day!

Oy! something is inside Gene!! O_O Like a demon and wants to take over Kat's body!

WHAT?!?! The episode, the series ends with Jamie, supposed to be dead!, back!!!

This show was actually really good, I think! Funny, and mythical. But of course, - canceled! :-\

Also watched: Primeval 5.02, Covert Affairs 2.01 - Begin the begin, White Collar 3.01 - On Guard [That's gonna be a tough season for Neal, Peter and us!!]

tv: the walking dead, livejournal: spirit_junction, fan fiction: supernatural, flist, shopping, me! writing!, tv: primeval, tv: white collar, tv: supernatural, the world outside, fan fiction, tv: eastwick, squee!!!, tv: battlestar galactica, tv: covert affairs, livejournal: sncross_bigbang, tv: generation kill

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