Busy! Busy! Busy! Still so much to do before the con. And just now I found out that they scrapped Jensen's coffee lounge and want to raffle it off instead?! Thanks so much - I paid for it! Oh, but wait until I'm there at registration... *raises fist*
And speaking of cons... For Ringcon, they announced that "Lorena" from True Blood is coming. When I heard that someone else from True Blood was coming, I really hoped that it would be Michael Raymond-James, maybe... So much for hoping.
Danny/Rachel <3 And she's pregnant! So, there's been a bit of a jump from the last episode and their affair has been going on for a while, huh?
"What's with the ambush? Why are you dressed like a ninja?" - hahaha
"What happens on Tuesday?" - They should've made it "What happens on Monday?" as Monday is Hawaii 5-0 day. ;)
"Possession of a firearm can send me back to jail!" - Well, that is possession alright! O_O
"You never know what you're gonna need, til you need it." LOL
Gah! To be continued! Oh how I hate those words!!
I might not have liked every episode, but this was a great season finale!
Btw, Steve aka Alex - Looking damn good in the mug shots! ;)
"We're just taking back what was practically ours. We were here first." Oooh!!
Leila and Sean finally find each other again - but now they can't be together because she's infected with that virus! :-\
Oy... this episode has a mean ending! Season and series finale next week. :(
Also watched: Terriers 1.01 - Pilot [Rewatch! Even more awesome the second time around!]