Never mind the dog - Beware the owner!

Apr 16, 2011 04:53

So, things:

+ iTunes question: When I'm adding music, it sometimes says "broken because can't find the original" (from the folder I've uploaded it), and then I'll have to search and add. Is there an easier way, or is it just done like that? Am I doing something wrong? o.O Also, is there auto-add when I save new music into my music folder, so I don't have to search that song(s) that I haven't uploaded to my iTunes, yet? Or do I just shove it all on iTunes and it only takes the new ones into the list?

+ I've been reading another of those Merlin novels, but man, they start to bore me! :-\ I'd rather rewatch the episodes.
Then I started reading "Bite Me" by Christopher Moore, but only after like 20 pages, I put it down and thought, huh? This doesn't make any sense! o.O Of course, when I bought it, I didn't know that it was #3 in a series. *facepalm* So, on to a new book, which my boss gave me. It's one from Nora Roberts that she wrote as J.D. Robb, called "Imitation in Death". But then, I couldn't even find it on Goodreads, but what I did find out was - that it's #17!!! of a series. FML.

+ So, apparently, posting for apocabigbang has started. I'm looking forward to the fics to read (Boy, my to-read folder just gets bigger and bigger! But btw, I resolved to read fic, and fic only, next weekend, on Easter.) I'm still a bit sad that I didn't finish my Generation Kill fic for this in time when rough drafts were due, but I still intend to finish the fic as I like much what I've written so far.

And speaking of writing - thank god my fic for sncross_bigbang is coming along well!! When there was the second checkpoint, I still had only written like 500 words and I thought, fuck, I'll never finish this in time, as well! It doesn't really look like a great bigbang writing year for me anyway, but I didn't want to drop out of this, as well. But then, I finished my fic for the Spring Fling exchange over at we_pimpin and there was an extension given for the fics for gk_remix so I could concentrate on the bigbang for a change. And now I'm a little over 9,000 words! \o/ Rough drafts are due (Already? Jeez!) next Wednesday, so I'll squeeze some more words out until then, so that I'll get over the 10k at least, but so far, so good. :)

You can read my Generation Kill fic for the Spring Fling exchange  HERE if you like. "Love on Mars" is Ray/Walt, with a bit of Brad and Nate, too. Slash, NC-17.

And I also finally posted a Supernatural/In Plain Sight crossover THERE that I wrote for spnland. "WITSEC" is Castiel/Jimmy, with Mary and Marshall from In Plain Sight, Gen, PG-13.

Ok, Danny out of his suit and in only that white shirt - I like. Much.

Does anyone have a gif of Danny drawing the "I ♥ you" in the air? *g*

When Aidan met Josh!! I repeat - I LOVE flashbacks!!!

Omg! Another season2UK-cross, with Josh killing Bishop! Or not. Aidan kills him! His maker! Omg! And oh, I love love love Mark Pellegrino! <333

Bishop treating Josh like a dog, really, is so... odd. I love it! *g* "Are you well-trained?" and "Good boy." (And do I love Sam Huntington or what?! *g*)

The wolf peeking from under the door - that's what I call scary! o.O Ok, it was also kinda cute, but still scary!

What? Nora lost the baby? :( But YES! She was scratched!!

"SHE" wants to meet Aidan, now that he's the LEADER!!! O_O SHE? LEADER?! Omg!

Omg! How they/we met Sally! That was a woah scene with her dead body being brought out!! O_O I loved it! So creepy, too!

Very awesome first season!! I can't really say what I like more, though, the US or the UK version. Both are the same, but also aren't. I enjoy both very much!!

Aw, boys!! <33

Richard Speight, jr!!!! Omg! :D I almost didn't recognize him at all! haha

Aaaand the Tim-withdrawal continues... Week 3! :(

But hell yeah, Ava and Boyd!! I was hoping for that (or them) to happen for weeks!! :D

livejournal: spirit_junction, tv: being human us, fan fiction: supernatural, help, me! writing!, tv: in plain sight, tv: supernatural, fan fiction, fml, tv: justified, tv: hawaii 5-0, sam witwer, books, oh boys!!, livejournal: apocabigbang, livejournal: spnland, music, mark pellegrino steals my heart, livejournal: sncross_bigbang, tv: merlin, tv: generation kill, picspam, livejournal: gk_remix

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