There is a reason monsters hide under a bed.

Mar 12, 2011 04:53

Fandom entry!

I LOVE the voiceover!

"There is a reason monsters hide under a bed. We are more scared of you than you are of us. That look on your face, that scream on your lips when you eventually see us. It's enough to make us forget we were ever humans at all.
It’s a thread of humanity that makes us eventually crawl out from under the stairs and show ourselves to you.
'Cause even a monster can be afraid of the darkness."


Seems the US version is bringing storylines from UK's season 3 already. I think I like that. That it's not really doing the UK episodes one by one as a new version.

This episode totally had elements from UK's 3.06 in it.

And OMG! Hilarious!

Aidan: Something happened. I… I don’t know. Uh…
Josh: Are you kidding me? Now? You have to do this now?

Aidan: Does your mom cook with garlic?
Josh: I don’t know. Seriously, is that a thing?
Aidan: Yes or no, Josh!
Josh: I guess so. Does it kill you?
Aidan: No, no, it doesn’t. It just… It makes us, us.
Josh: OK, OK, so stop being you. How? How do we do that?
Aidan: Uh, feverfew.
Josh: Fever… what? Is.. Is that a band?
Aidan: It’s an herb, Josh!
Josh: OK, how about any other herb? Any other herb, like, on Earth!
Aidan: Mistletoe?
Josh: How about matzo meal? Anything I don’t have to summon a warlock for?

Josh: Everything’s fine. Aidan’s just having a small reaction to something he ate, so I’m bringing him some chamomile tea. Some chamomile tea…

Josh: Okay, so we have chamomile lavendar, chamomile mint… I think there’s like, a lemon in here. And you’re naked… and taking a bath in the middle of dinner.”
Aidan: Out! Out!

I was laughing so hard! And omg! Josh’s dad! “Josh, why don’t you tell me what you think is happening right now.”

Aidan had a wife and son! Did I miss something in the UK version, or did they change something there?

Oh John… “Best customer” :-\

The whole season has been just a “Oh boys” theme…

Oh come one, Lydia, that was totally cute of that guy coming to ask you out. **g** But what? That’s her partner’s son!!

Sammy: How the hell did you find me?
Tammy: Your phone. I put a “Find my friends” app on it.
Sammy: No… I’m a gang detective! I can’t have a f* “Find my friends” app on my phone.

LOL Awesome! I really grew to love Sammy this season.

Omg! I was so worried for Lydia in that warehouse! I thought, she just told Josie about her date - happy moment - now something happens! But then it didn’t! God, show, so great! Surprises me everytime!

Season 3 finale coming up! How? Why?

How hot did Tim look in that (tight) shirt? With the sleeves rolled up? I died just a little. :P

We learned a bit about Rachel’s background. I was hoping for a little inside on the other characters. So now, Tim please, people! ;)

Tim: “At least you got to shoot your father.”
Raylan: “You didn’t miss much. I thought it was gonna be way more fun than it was.”

Boys, I don’t know what to say… LOL? O_O? hahaha

Tim DeKay in a wifebeater (and then even shirtless!) - this man hides muscles under his White Collar suit! Damn!

Ben in the mine, seeing his… father?! I’m guessing. And suddenly in a scenerie of war…?! Mind-fucking alright. o.O And then the bear again, whose hat Ben saw hanging on the Management’s door! o.O … And THEN IT’S JUST AN ILLUSION BY LODZ!???!
What connection is there with everything??? And how does the Reverend’s story fit in???

Hello Teddy! Robert Knepper!

Ben hurt Gabriel, broke his arm - and then healed him! He makes Gabriel not tell anyone. Can Gabriel keep that secret? I still can’t wait to see their “Oh!” and “Ah!” and “O_O” faces when they find out how special Ben is.

In the beginning I thought that Ben and Sophie would hook up, but Ben was attracted to Ruthie real quickly and Jonesy always had a thing for Sophie.

Lodz wanted Ben to kill! To save Ruthie! And what does TAVATAR mean?? o.O

Everything is so very mysterious. Gotta watch season 2 asap! Why did Sophie’s mother start the fire? What did she tell Lodz to make him say, “It can’t be her!”? Did they survive? And who’s that man with the tree tattoo??


I was like, why can’t Annie understand?? Sure, Mitchell did a bad, bad, really bad thing, and he wants to be punished, but the world can’t know about the supernatural!!!

And Mitchell was right about killing Herrick all along! Look what’s happened now! He killed all those policemen and Nancy! He stabbed Nina!

And omfg! The preview for next week - the season finale!!!


Eve… Mother of All. Huh… Figures.

Bobby in a suit! And flashing an FBI badge! That’s a first I believe!

Wow, Dean really had shot Samuel without hesitation! That’s why I love my boy - he sticks to what he threatens with.

Dean?! Shot Gwen!? Sam kills Samuel!! And Bobby kills Rufus!! And what’s his dark secret he has with him?

Hm… Have you read the Supernatural novel “The Unholy Cause”? That black thing, stuff, whatever it’s called, reminded me of the story in the book.

Hawaii 5-0 starts on German tv on the 13th!!! [Sat 1, 10:15 pm!]

So does - FINALLY!!! - True Blood, on the 16th!!! [RTL 2, 10 pm!]

Also watched: The Cape 1.09 - Razer, Marchlands Part 5

tv: southland, tv: being human us, tv: justified, tv: hawaii 5-0, tv: being human uk, tv talk, tv: true blood, tv: carnivale, tv: the cape, tv: supernatural, picspam

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