1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts. (as usual let me specifically know if you want to participate)
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.
akira. I am what you'd call a HUGE Heroes devotee and I really, really liked this scene with David Anders and his quote, when Hiro betrayed him and "cut him deeper than any blade possibly could".
nyaubaby. What comment could I possibly add to this picture? Jensen = LOVE! *g*
betty_mraz. I love the smurfs. Really, I do. LOL They were one of my favourites on tv when I was a child. I'd still watch it, I think, but now I'm always still asleep when it airs in the morning. :-P It's also a Supernatural quote, by Dean, who else? *laughs*
by me *g* One of the few icons that I made myself and that I'd call successful. ;-) Oh Chris! He quickly became one of my new favourites after I first saw him on Veronica Mars. And now he's so adorable on Private Practice. *g*
creativity4life . If I was able to have more than 15 icons on LJ, I'd definitely put up more from Michael Rosenbaum. Is that sentence enough to express my love for him? *g*