Guess what I started watching again! BUFFY!!! Dear god, I've missed this!!! Lately, I've been reading some Supernatural/Buffy fics* and that got me into Buffy mood. Like totally!! So, last night, I officially started a rewatch of everything! :D LOVE! LOVE! LOVE!
I know I have so many other shows to watch, but I'm really in the mood for this now, so what the heck! *g*
*I only started reading the fics from this year's
sncross_bigbang a few days ago. They were posted in like... I don't even remember, April/May? That's how behind I am on my fic reading!
Speaking of fic, here's a rec. It's a Primeval drabble and it was so friggin' AWsome, I have to share!!
Each In Turn - Drabble 100 words - Connor/Abby - PG
Work again tonight, but it seems I'm facing a normal week, with Friday and Saturday off, so woo! \o/ Really, really, like really, need to work on some stuff and could really use the free time. Yesterday, I opened the Christmas bakery and made coconut macaroons. But as they're almost gone already (what else?), I need and want to make more. And I still have presents to buy! Omg! And I haven't decorated yet! o.O So much to do!
But I'm proud to say that I at least finished my assignement for this year's
yagkyas! :D
Ha! They find out that the father of the girl who escaped from that asylum, where they injected the girls something to make them age, is one of the aliens! - And then they also find the same clues about Leila's dad!
I knew it!! I said before that I thought they took Samantha because Michael is one of the aliens! :)
How many episodes are left? Do you know?