Sometimes a .45 under your pillow is all you need

Nov 21, 2010 22:37

How many episodes is this season of Supernatural gonna have? Just wondered about it...

Work at the mall tomorrow. For the last time. Really. So they say at least. *sighs* Let's hope so. And I don't think I've mentioned it before, but my colleagues there keep asking me if I received my dismissal already. First, I was like o.O What? But they kept asking because they got theirs and of course, then I started to get worried a bit, as well. I have to say, being unemployed wouldn't even be that bad, but dealing with the job center again? Hell no! But yesterday, I talked to the boss and she said that they don't intend to fire me. So, all good, I guess.

+ Principal Sue! LOL
+ Gwyneth Paltrow! And please, how great was she??!!! :D
+ Never thought I'd say this, but I like Beiste
+ Will & Mike - awesome!
+ Jumping through a huge puddle - I WANT THAT TOO!!! *g*

+ Gemma's so hardcore! O_O Pointing a gun at a baby!!!
+ Is Jax really thinking about leaving Abel with the couple? Omg! he let's him go!
+ "What are you gonna tell your other son when he asks what happened to his big brother?!" O_O Jax's face when Gemma tells him that Tara's pregnant!
+ Omg! Jimmy killed the couple and took Abel!
+ Aw, Jax picks the woman up from the floor and lays her next to her husband on the bed!
+ I don't believe it! Stahl intervenes with Tig and the others, planning to get Tara back. Then the money drop fails - and she blames it on Tig!
+ "I'll never let anyone take you from me again. I love you." ♥

And nooooo, how can it end like this???!!! Omg! Talk about cliffhanger! O_O

I was wondering, how long has it been since Rick got injured, zombie apocalypse and him waking up? Long enough for his wife to fall for his friend and colleague, or had they an affair before, already, maybe? But gah! The minute he's back, Shane's history.

NORMAN!!! <333

Jesus! Merle saw off his hand! o.O I'd have tried the cuff chain - not my hand!

How great was that episode again?! I said it before and I'll say it again - this show just can't disappoint me!!!

+ "Just a quick look..." - famoust last words. Also I would never go into a corn field. Here, we already learn as kids what animals could be in there. The dangerous kind. o.O
+ Oy, aliens? o.O
+ Omg! The logo!!! And omg the opening credits! I love!!

+ The UFO is after Dean - and Sam orders another beer! I don't know if I should yell at Sam or laugh! *g*
+ Sam: It's fine. I'm fine. I've had time to adjust.
Woman: Did it happen when you were kids?
Sam: No. Like half an hour ago.
+ Omg! And then Dean gets back - and Sam's in bed with her! haha
+ And LOLing forever - Dean wants to sit down - but not on the sex bed! LOL And then Sam *tries* to be caring - with his hand on Dean's knee!
+ Omg! Dean's story!!! ROTFLMAO! "I went crazy. I started hacking and slashing and firing. They actually seemed surprised. I don't think anyone's ever done that before. I had a close-encounter, Sam - and I won." *g*
+ Omg! (yeah there're a lot OMGs here *g*) Dean, always when I thought I couldn't love you more... <3 "You don't see the blood and the, the... blegh?!" THAT WAS THE BEST! I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING!!!
+ "It was a glowing, little, naked, hot lady... with nipples. She hit me." Aww! *g*
- Sam: "I'm not supposed to laugh, right?"
Omg! I looooove and adore soulless!Sammy!!!
+ "You're the one who pizza-rolled Tinkerbell." LOL
+ And LOL How frustrated the leprechaun was when Sam spilled the salt!
+ Oooh, seems like Sam does have doubts about wanting his soul back!

Wow, Steve has his gun holster on his chest. THAT's hot! :P

Hot-wiring a car with a screwdriver, code encrypting... how does Sean know all this? What is his past?

tv: the walking dead, awesomesauce!!!, tv: the event, squee!!!, tv: hawaii 5-0, lmao, norman reedus, tv: sons of anarchy, oh boys!!, tv: glee, tv: supernatural, the world outside

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