You fed Crystal to a killer Doberman. Are you retarded?

Sep 28, 2010 23:16

My cough is killing me!!! I want it to go away, far, far away! :( Talked with the office today - I'll also take tomorrow off and then I'll have to get back to work. Meh?

Today, I finished season 1 of Sons of Anarchy and yes, I do like it. It hasn't swept me off my feet just yet, but I'm already loading season 2 and intend to catch up on the new episodes. ;) Thoughts and stuff (like pics, this time!) behind the cut.

So, I'll start with thoughts, quotes and pics (Caps by me. I finally found my Power DVD programme again. LOL) and stuff from the episodes and then I'll tell you at the end what I think about the show in general. Sounds good? Thought so. ;)

1.01 - Pilot

I thought it was really sad when Jackson's son was born. But aw, so cute when Jax said, "His name is Abel." *g*

Jackson getting ready to get their guns back, with putting on the bullet-proof vest and all - that was so damn HOT!!! And I loved the music that played there! Does anybody know it?

And omg, Wendy really used the syringe! I thought she wouldn't.

1.02 - Seeds

Wendy's gonna make it. Damn? :P

"You do me, I do him." - "Fair enough." - I'd have made that deal, too. :P

And why does Jax still visit Wendy??

1.03 - Fun Town

Gemma reading and talking to Abel - cute!

Well, in the end, the rapist got what he deserved... :-\

1.04 - Patch Over

I think this was the episode where I started to really like the show.

I think Prospect guy is cute. *g*

"You fed Crystal to a killer Doberman. Are you retarded?" - "No!" LMAO!

1.05 - Giving Back

CMD = Compulsive Masturbation Disorder OMG! LOL

"You know, I used to have that. And then I turned thirteen." LOL

Shit, they're burning the tattoo off Kyle's back!!! o.O

1.06 - AK 51

Hey, b*! Prospect is mine!!! Grrrr... :P

1.07 - Old Bones

My Prospect fighting - HOT!

"Get him outta there before we gotta bury another Mexican!" Uuuh! ;)

1.08 - The Pull

Jax: Kid's getting out of the toaster today.
Tig: Aw, you get to hold your son!

And awwwww, Jackson holding Abel was THE CUTEST!!! *g*

"I don't know how to break this to you kid, but I'm your old man." ♥

Holy shit, when Jax shot Tara's ex! Wow! I kinda expected him to shoot him, but not really like this! O_O But then, ok, I don't know what was more disturbing, that scene, or Jax and Tara having sex next to dead Josh. o.O

Freaking cute - Abel with the SoA cap!!!

1.09 - Hell Followed

Jax burnt his father's manuscript. I guess the murder on Josh kinda changed him, although he's killed before.

1.10 - Better Half

I think I'm in a love/hate relationship with Gemma. I love it that she cares for her family, and she's so tough, but her attitude sometimes... Oh boy!

I might've cheered when Otto hit that ATF bitch's head on the table! Ha!

1.11 - Capybara

Gemma helps drug whore Wendy! Why doesn't she like Tara?

Opie's kinda hot, too. Just sayin'. :P

1.12 - The Sleep of Babies

Tig's supposed to kill Opie! WTF?! But then he can't, when Opie saves his life. But OMG! And then he kills Donna accidentally!!! O_O

1.13 - The Revelator

"When I'm inside someone, there's only one face I see." - Guess that's Jackson's way of saying I love you. :P

Prospect - I finally remembered (with a little help from Google) where I've seen this guy before - he was on The OC!

I'd have done the same as Jax - scare the witness. ;)

Piney has a manuscript, too - and gives it to Jax! "Time for a change."

Sooo, all in all - I really, really like this show!!! I LOVE the many shots of their backs with the SoA print on their vests!! And I love the music! Really great, I'll definitely keep watching!!!

I'm also feeling like I want to join some SoA comms. Help me? :P LOL (No really, rec me! ;))

+ Merlin, didn't you learn not to open boxes where noises are coming out of?
+ Bold Uther LOL
+ Sleeping Arthur! Look at his hair, isn't it the cutest!! *g*

+ Uther with that hat! OMG! LMAO!!!
+ Oh, poor Arthur! LOL And then Merlin let's him stay with that donkey voice! "Just one more day. It's too good." *g*

Omg! Peter finds out about himself!!!! On his own!!

"I am not your son." O_O

I'm thinking, maybe I should more often make posts with pics. Looks better right away. ;)

tv: fringe, tv: merlin, tv: sons of anarchy

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