Forgiveness is love. Love is all. Only peace follows death for all.

Sep 19, 2010 20:01

Omg, you guys, I feel sooo sick! Have been in my night shift last night and at around 2 am it got so cold that I had to turn on the heater - and of course - now I have a sore throat! Ooooh, I haaate it!!!! :(

BUT - I finally watched True Blood and some other episodes of my shows.

+ *squee & scream* GODRIC!!!!!!!! <333
+ Sookie saves Eric! Damn Beel, he wanted to let him roast!
+ Omg! Sam tells Tara that he's a shapeshifter!
+ LOL Mean Sookie - washes Talbot down the waste grinder! :P
+ Fuck! He shot Calvin in the face! o.O
+ Crystal gone and Jason takes care of the Hotshot people?! o.O
+ RENE!!!!! <333
+ Alcide! Alcide! Please let it be Alcide!... ALCIDE!!!!!! <333
+ hehe Alcide's smirk when Sookie resents the invitations to her house for Bill and Eric
+ Oh, Eric wears red sneakers *g*
+ Eye-fucking!! *g* Oh, Alex, YOU should know! ;) [Generation Kill reference here]
+ "You're a witch, who's a nurse, who's a dude."
+ NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! BEEEEEL!!! WTF!? O_O And with Eric's voice on the phone?! Killing Pam!? O_O WTF!!!
+ Hoyt & Jessica ♥
+ ERIC!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ And he tells Sookie the truth about Bill coming to Bon Temps and all!
(Why does Eric still look so hot although he's covered in dirt and cement? A mystery. LOL)
+ Tara's leaving?
+ Oh, Tommy, I feel so sorry for you... :( OMFG! Sam shot him!? O_O
+ O...kay...? Bill and the Queen fight o.O
+ And Sookie goes with Claudine

Hm, ok, season 3 wasn't bad (I mean, hey HOT Eric again and Alcide - I like), better than season 2, which was ruined for me by the Maryann storyline, but now season 3... many stories, packed only in 12 episodes - not enough. Too many questions remain. Kind of expressionless. Leaves me blank.

1.10 - I can't quit you baby

Anna Chlumsky! Wow, it's been a long time since "My girl". ;)

1.11 - When the levee breaks

"My name is Ben Mercer, former CIA operative. I wanna come in from the cold." - I love this code-talking. *g*

"The truth is complicated." - And still confusing. o.O

*gasp* Ben gets shot! - And that's the end of the first half of season 1! Ah! I want more! No damn hiatus once again!
Or was that the season finale?? I have no idea.

I have to say that Nathan's kinda hot! :P

And what are "the troubles"? And it seems that Haven has dealt with them before?! o.O

So, about the episode - omg I loved it!!! Nathan can't feel a thing, but in the end, when Audrey kisses him on the cheek - HE FEELS IT!!!!!!! I totally KNEW this would happen eventually! :D And omg, his face!!!!

Will watch more of the show to catch up with it very soon. :)

+ Caroline! O_O I hadn't made notes for the first 15-20 minutes I think. I was just watching like this: O_O
+ "Uh, maybe they're Ninja Turtles." *g* Stefan! ♥
+ "As this is reality and there's no such thing as werewolves..." Yeah right! :P
+ Uuuh, Damon's face when he realizes what Caroline's becoming!!
+ Poor Matt, he doesn't have a clue
+ "Everything that happens is his fault." - Well that's a bit too harsh, Bonnie!
+ Aw, Matty! ♥ He's in love with Caroline!
+ Awww, Stefan! So romantic! ♥ "I compelled the guard, so I can kiss my girl on top of the ferris-wheel." ♥

tv: the vampire diaries, tv: covert affairs, tv: haven, tv: true blood

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