Nothing's changed since the last post. Still crazy.

Aug 09, 2010 00:17

Watched an episode of Cougar Town today. I'm not sad that I missed previous episodes. Didn't blow me away. :-\

Just signed up for three of the four LAS comms, but also only those three because the fourth is already in round 1, so I have to wait for the next one. :P I'm crazy. Nothing new there.

My True Blood bigbang fic hasn't been claimed yet!! Aaah! *bites nails* Ok, I'm not nervous. I'm NOT nervous! o.O

Although I'm wide awake, I should go to bed some time real soon. It's after midnight and in 8 hours I have to be on my way to work again. Where did this day go? Oh right, I slept through it. I must've slept like 12 hours straight through. Oh my...

me! writing!, tv talk, livejournal: vampirebigbang, fan fiction, the world outside

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