I'm so happy I could bleed

Aug 06, 2010 00:19

Ok, where to start?

Yesterday, they called me to ask to do the morning shift (8-10 am) at the furniture house this morning. But I also did my night shift last night, so it was a pretty rough day. They said I could leave the night shift at 4 am, if that's better for me, but it was easier to just stay awake.

But oh my, if it's like that every morning, I'm glad I don't do that regularly! First, I wanted to call deviltrap like I had planned, but I didn't even have much time to write her text messages. I got told that a carpenter company would come at around 8 - three times! When they finally arrived (hello cute guy!) I was supposed to call someone and send them to him. Well, would've been easier if that guy had answered his phone. *sighs*

Then, there was a fire alarm, but it was just a test or something, but god, that noise was annoying!! :-\

Then, I noticed that the computer was still on, and it's the one that deals with incoming customer calls. And of course, just after I thought that thought - the phone rang! Like a million times! People asking me how they can pay their beds or tables, or when their order would arrive. I HAVE NO IDEA, PEOPLE!!! Only once, I could help - someone asked for the opening hours! Oh my... And then there were at least two people who were so rude on the phone. Argh! That's exactly what I need at not even 9 am!

I was so glad when it was 10 am and the woman who usually works there came. I finally got home at 10:30 am. And THEN my brother calls and asked me to burn him cds before I head to back. And then he even said, it took too long! Oh, I almost threw something!! I finally went to bed at noon. Had my alarm set for 7 pm and couldn't believe how fast the time went when I had to get up again. Then, my mother told me that the office called - AGAIN - and I called them back. You know when I mentioned that they asked me to do an office job in a mall-like store, but I said no because it's near Frankfurt, so I'd have to drive like 50 km, it would be a 12-hour shift each day and I wouldn't get paid so much anyway? Yeah, they asked again, but not for the office job, but in an info office where people can go and ask for directions or something (Ha! There, they're coming to the right person! :P). Some other co-worker didn't show up all week and then said she was sick, and the bosses are pretty annoyed by her it seems, so they asked me to take over this position until the end of August.

This time, I said I would help them out. I thought, it won't be THAT bad, I guess, and it leaves a good impression maybe. ;) Plus - and that's the great part - they granted me my vacation for September!!! So I'll be going to France with toodelicious and we'll be visiting Pierrefonds and the location on the castle where they shoot Merlin! And hopefully see the cast, too!!! :D Omfg! Bradley James! I'm gonna die a little!!!

So, tonight, I already have off, no night shift, because tomorrow in the afternoon, I'll be going to this mall thing with my boss and she'll show me what has to be done there. Probably Saturday again, with her, and then I'm on my own. For at least 3 weeks, 6 days a week, 12 hours a day. Wow. That's gonna be tough. But that I'll make 1,500 Euros in those 3 weeks does look appealing. :P Well, I'll survive and then I'm back in my night shift. Back to normal.

Wtf, German tv!!! o.O First, there were only reruns of season 1, then all of a sudden they say they continue with season 2. Alright. Then I watch this episode and there's Charlie! The dead guy! I mean, he is still dead, right, or what did I miss??? I am so, so confused! Then I thought it was maybe another rerun from season 1, although I didn't know this episode.

It was the one, where a girl got possessed by the spirit of a military guy.

That was all so weird, I mean with Charlie there. IDK.

Again, some notes I made while watching this season.

2.02 - The Tap Out Job

Guys kickboxing - I knew right away that would be a great episode for Eliot! ;)

And HOlY FUCK! This one scene was so great where it seemed that this guy drugged Eliot to have him lose, but:

Sophie: "Oh man, you don't get it, do you? Eliot's not like other fighters. He doesn't play games. He fights to survive, that's his training. It takes all his control not to kill somebody. You've just made him more dangerous. You've taken the safety off the gun!"

That was so intense! Really cool!

2.06 - The Top Hat Job

Eliot tells he was claustrophobic as a kid. And he locked himself in for some nights to get over it, and was fine after that. Parker then says that she was afraid of the dark - and how funny - she did the same thing to get over this fear. - She locked herself in a box - and got buried!
All stare at her and Eliot says, "That is not the same thing. What's wrong with you?" LOL

2.07 - The Two Live Crew Job

I loved this with the two con teams! And Wil Wheaton! Cool!

And Eliot all wet and losing his clothes - oh my... And he spoke Hebrew!

2.08 - The Ice Man Job

Is it weird of me that I immediately thought of Generation Kill when I read that title? LOL

And omg! Eliot in that red shirt and the glasses!! *thud* *points to icon*

2.14 - The Three Strikes Job

ahaha There's that Japanese ad Eliot did for his con. Saw that before, so great! LOL

Argh, Sterling again! But great to see Mark Sheppard! I have a love-hate relationship with his characters. :P

2.15 - The Maltese Falcon Job

Sophie's back! And Tara goes. And Nathan gets shot! And turns himself in for his team!

So, I've almost caught up with this show and I love it! :D

1.07 - Smoke and Steel

So, Joe came to this organization after he was kidnapped, too!? And the whole thing is for a good reason?! o.O Call me stupid but I somehow believe him...

"Collecting" people who could do good in the world, and to test them there!?

JesusChrist, I would've kissed Joe there in the bathroom! *g*

Huh? How did Joe vanish? o.O

1.08 - Saved

"You've been saved." - Yeah, right. o_O

Joe strapped to that table - WTH is this???

Is that Tori's voice?... Omg, there she is! But... is this all just hallucinations?? o.O

And Joe was a pastor in South America!!! This is getting weirder and weirder! WTF????

Oooh, the vampires are bleeding bloody tears, too, on this show! I like! Not as bloody as on True Blood, but mixed with real tears.

Ooh, Andy takes life force from Charlie again!

And in the end, Devon and the masks - creepy! o.O

+ O_O Can I say blegh?! Ew! Bah! But go, Sook! :P
+ OMG! Or to quote Debbie, "OMFG!!" Alcide shoots her fiance!
+ "Never thought I was smart enough to get depressed. But... here I am." And once again - Oh Jason! *g*
+ Lucky Hadley...
+ WTF? Eric turns her!!!! ERIC?!?!?!?!!!!
+ Bill not sizzling in sun?! o.O Because he drank so much?
+ Sam to the rescue! I like him being superior!
+ Hello Claudine!
+ I like how Pam breathes "Eric" when he comes to her, and then Eric's "You ok?" ♥
+ "Russel Edgington."
"You may call me King." *g* hehe
+ Quick wedding. In the books, wasn't it organized by Quinn's company later on? I want Quinn on this show. *g* I hope they bring him.
+ "I'm so happy I could bleed." LOL Omg, don't make me like the Queen all of a sudden. LOL

Movies watched: Zombieland [AWESOME!!! haha], Stonehenge Apocalypse [IDE... o.O Misha made me do it!], The Hurt Locker [GREAT!]

I did something to my team mates at definitely_dead - I switched teams! *gasp* I didn't really think about leaving Fangtasia, but now that there's a new team called Lou Pines, that sounded way too appealing!! And now I'm on there!

Sorry, Eric. ;) Love you still, but hell, look at this WERE!!! *thuds*

Sidenote: Still haven't received anything from spn_hetexchange. *insert sad face here*

vacation, i love my viking, hooowl!!!, the world outside, tv: leverage, awesomesauce!!!, tv: persons unknown, squee!!!, livejournal: definitely_dead, tv: the gates, tv: true blood, movies, livejournal: spn_hetexchange, tv: fringe, bradley james, hot stuff, tv: merlin

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