Confetti, it's a parade!

Jul 30, 2010 22:40

Four days without an entry?! Not possible!!!

So, today was my only day off and I wanted to spend it working on my bigbang fic as the rough draft is due in two days! Now, it's almost 10 pm and nope, I haven't even opened the file, yet. Ok then...

Fandom stuff ahoy!

I mentioned that I started reading the Blood Ties book series by Tanya Huff.
I liked book #1 and I remembered that this story was also used in the tv series, but I didn't recognize more, because, yet, I haven't seen all the episodes of the show. But I'll get to that, too. ;)

Book #2, I liked much, probably because the story was about werewolves. I have a soft spot for them at the moment. :P

#3 was ok. Didn't like the mummy story so very much.

I really liked #4, though. Right from the beginning, I felt it would be better than the previous one. Some parts seemed a bit stretched, maybe unnecessary, but all in all a good story that held my interest.

And I so didn't expect the ending! And I never expected Vicki to be with Mike in the end! That she just couldn't be with Henry anymore.
I felt sad for Mike first, when Vicki died and he couldn't do anything and then he had to let her go with Henry.

I just started book #5 and I'm really excited how this will turn out.

I really liked all the scenes with Nick and Dylan, when Dylan told him about him being a vampire and all that.

In in the beginning, I thought, I wouldn't like this show so much, but no... I do. It's really good. :)

Oh finally I started to watch this awesome show!!! I'm already in season 2 and I'm sure that I'm up to date with it by the end of next week maybe! \o/

Some thoughts about season 1, favorite quotes, moments:

1.01 - The Nigerian Job

"This is not the room you're looking for." - Hardison. *g*

"That's what I do." - Eliot. *g* So cool, all the flashbacks of Eliot!

Nathan: "Parker, no free-lancing."
*Parker runs by*
Eliot: "She's gone."
*Parker jumps from the roof with a yeeha!* LOL

1.02 - The Homecoming Job

Parker and Hardison on the roof, she pushes him off and he's just saying, "Seriously? Seriously!". *g*

Hardison to Eliot, when he smashes a camera with a stone, "I'm sorry it was too far away for you to punch. I'm sure that really frustrates you." LOL

1.03 - The Two-Horse Job

Omg! There's Chris' song "More than I deserve"!

1.04 - The Miracle Job

I LOVE the flashbacks!! Eliot captured and in the middle of a forced Russian Roulette, but no, Sophie's play was the worst night of his life. LOL

Btw, I want one of those Leverage cups! :P

And oh hey, I noticed that Chris isn't wearing his fleurs-de-lis bracelet anymore. :(

1.05 - The Bank Shot Job

"What smells like meth and screams like a girl?" *Eliot kicks the guy and he screams* "That's the right answer." *g*

And I like that Eliot has this aversion to guns. ;)

1.07 - The Wedding Job

CUTE! - Eliot has to retrieve data, but it's not on a pc, but all tapes and he bangs the data stick against the tape. Aw! LOL "That's not gonna work!"

As a caterer...

Nathan: "How's the search going?"
Eliot: "I haven't started yet. Look, I got 200 people I gotta feed, all right? Back off!" LOL

Holy fuck! Eliot in the wifebeater! Look at his arms!!!

1.09 - The Snow Job

Chris speaking German!!! :D

1.12 - The First David Job

Eliot fighting with the (cute) guy. "Why won't you go down?!" And Eliot only laughs. hehe That's my boy!

Great first season!! And season 2 is cool, so far, as well!

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I LOVE this intro! Omg Jensen with the shotgun!!!!! And OMFG! He and the blowjob move! :X Can't wait to see the whole thing!!!

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ahahaha Paul drooling onto Nina! *g*

Do you believe that every person has a twin? I swear, in that furniture house where I work sometimes, there's a guy who looks like Patrick Flueger!

Alright, and now I'm watching the first four episodes of season 2 of Californication (really, this time) and *cries* again, I haven't watched True Blood, yet. But I'm getting there.

Work tomorrow, twice to the furniture house. From 8-10 am, and 7-8 pm. Then, I'll treat myself with something yummy. I wanted pizza first, but my brother asked for Chinese. Fine by me, too. ;)

Oh, AND Ringcon announced Tom Felton! I'll have to tie deviltrap to her seat, but I'm sure we'll have a great time, anyway. LOL Hopefully, he really comes this year, other than last year.

awesomesauce!!!, christian kane, convention: ringcon, tv: the vampire diaries, squee!!!, tv: the gates, books, stark sands, tv: blood ties, tv: supernatural, the world outside, tv: leverage

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